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Health Care

Castor Brings Children's Health Care Issues to Forefront

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As lawmakers inch closer to landmark health care reform, the National Association of Children’s Hospitals, in coordination with the Congressional Children’s Health Care Caucus, hosted a Capitol Hill briefing today featuring leaders of Tampa Bay area hospitals.

Castor's Breast Cancer Disparities Bill Gets Hearing

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A bill introduced by Congresswoman Kathy Castor to eliminate disparities in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment will be the subject of a significant hearing Wednesday in the Subcommittee on Health. The Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer Treatment Act of 2009 will create incentives and requirements for adequate care for all women, regardless of race, income or health insurance status.

Castor Works To Protect Seniors

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Medicare Advantage marketing abuses have affected many seniors, prompting Congresswoman Kathy Castor to take steps to protect the elderly from these deceptive practices through the health care reform effort.

Castor Hosts Teletown Hall

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor held a telephone town hall forum Thursday night with thousands of Tampa Bay area residents to discuss health insurance reform and take questions.

NPR: Castor Discusses Drug Costs

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The White House, faced with flaring tempers at town hall meetings around the country, is taking sides in an emerging fight between lawmakers in Washington, supporting the Senate and the drug industry against House Democrats.