Children and Seniors casualties of Gov. Rick Scott’s rigid ideologyGovernor Acting Against Best Interests of Florida Families and Economy
March 7, 2012
Health Care
U.S. Representative Kathy Castor urged Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature to reconsider their refusal of $438.5 million to broaden access to care to pediatricians, family physicians and primary care doctors for Florida families.
U.S. Representative Kathy Castor urged Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature to reconsider their refusal of $438.5 million to broaden access to care to pediatricians, family physicians and primary care doctors for Florida families. Castor was joined by Dr. Louis St. Petery pediatrician and executive vice president of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Ron Pollack, executive director, Families USA.
“I urge Governor Scott not to turn his back on Florida families by sending our taxpayer dollars to other states,” Castor said. “In addition to ensuring that children, the disabled and older neighbors have access to physicians, these are Florida tax dollars, intended for Florida, that should stay in Florida.” The $438.5 million in federal money was included in the Senate’s proposal, however, due to rigid ideology and under the direction of Gov. Scott, Republicans in the House refused to accept it. The final budget package currently being reviewed by State legislators does not include this money to help children, seniors and their doctors. “Florida does not have to provide or match these dollars – it’s all Federal money,” said Dr. St. Petery. “There is no fiscal and certainly no quality of care issue reason to not use these resources.” Florida’s 14 pediatric programs – including St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa General Hospital, and All Children’s Hospital – rely on Medicaid funding for an average of 62 percent of their hospital stays. “We have over 3 million people on Medicaid here in Florida,” Castor said. “Of that, 1.5 million are children. We must not put their health care at risk. Otherwise Governor Scott is shifting the burden to hospitals and families with private insurance to pick up the tab.” “Governor Scott is participating in an astounding and shortsighted act of political stubbornness,” added Pollack. “His ideological rigidity will hurt not only Medicaid patients but all Floridians.” “For the sake of our children and families, I urge the members of the Florida legislature to put these dollars to work for Florida’s families and economy or otherwise reject this harmful budget,” Castor said. The Florida legislature is expected to vote on the budget Friday afternoon. |