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Help with Federal Grants

Federal Grant Information and Assistance:

This page will provide you with a central location to search the wealth of information available from both government and private entities who offer financing to individuals, businesses and state and local governments. Stay up to date on the latest federal grant opportunities by signing up for email announcements here.

Grants Applicants 

How Best to Find Information

  1. Find out Who is Eligible for a Grant?Other government websites may be more suitable for personal needsstudent loanssmall business assistance, or other business opportunities such as government contracting. The website Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid may also be of help.
  2. Check current federal grants opportunities at, obtain a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number, register withSystem for Award Management (SAM), and apply online (links and instructions given at the website). Additional notices appear at FedConnect.
  3. Learn how to write grant proposals:Take the free online Foundation Center Proposal Writing Short Course or see other tips and sample proposals at Grantspace's How Do I Write a Grant Proposal?