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Press Release

Rep. Castor Statement on House Passage of the PRO Act

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after House passage of the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act today: “Our economy needs a strong middle class. Unions are essential to rebuilding America’s middle class and improving the lives of workers and their families. When workers have the power to stand together and form a union, they have higher…

Rep. Castor, Florida Delegation Democrats Announce Nomination Screening Panels for Judicial, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshal Vacancies

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) announced the formation of a screening panel in the Middle District of Florida to assist her and Florida Congressional leaders in evaluating and recommending candidates to the Biden Administration for vacant federal judicial, U.S. Attorney,  and U.S. Marshal positions in Florida. The screening panels are the most diverse group ever named and will…

Rep. Castor Statement on House Passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after House passage of the historic George Floyd Justice in Policing Act today. A similar bill was passed by the House last year and not taken up by the GOP-led Senate. “Our nation continues to grieve the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor, Stephon Clark, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, and…

Reps. Castor, Schrier Introduce PREVENT HPV Cancers Act on International HPV Awareness Day

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On International HPV Awareness Day, U.S. Reps. Kathy Castor (FL14) and Kim Schrier, M.D. (WA08) introduced the Promoting Resources to Expand Vaccination, Education and New Treatments for HPV Cancers Act or the PREVENT HPV Cancers Act with the ultimate goal of preventing HPV-related cancers. Castor announced the introduction of the PREVENT HPV Cancers Act this morning at the HPV…

Rep. Castor, Congress Pass For The People Act to Return Power Back to the American People

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Tonight, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) and House Democrats passed H.R. 1 – the For the People Act - a bold reform package that is focused on: cleaning up corruption, protecting and expanding the right to vote, restoring integrity to government, and elevating the American people’s interests over of the special interests. "We learned this year how fragile our democracy is – and how much…

Rep. Castor Leads Florida Congressional Delegation Democrats in Urging State Leaders: Release Federal Emergency Aid to K-12 Schools Now, Not After Legislative Session

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Today, U.S. Reps. Kathy Castor (FL14), Frederica Wilson (FL24) and Lois Frankel (FL21) and Democratic members of the Florida Congressional Delegation wrote Governor Ron DeSantis, Senate President Wilton Simpson, Speaker Chris Sprowls and Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran urging them to immediately disburse $3.1 billion in federal emergency aid that was approved by Congress…

Rep. Castor on House Passage of American Rescue Plan: Help is on the Way

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   U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement upon House passage of the American Rescue Plan: “We are truly at a precarious moment in America.  Too many families, workers and small businesses are hurting from the pandemic and its economic fallout. “In Florida, we lost a half a million jobs last year and suffered the second highest number of…

Rep. Castor Statement on Florida Supreme Court Invalidating the Will of Hillsborough Voters

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 U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the below statement following the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Hillsborough County’s voter-approved All For Transportation sales tax: The opponents and the Florida Supreme Court went out of their way to invalidate what the overwhelming majority of Hillsborough County citizens supported: more transit options, safer roads,…

Rep. Castor: Equal Rights One Step Closer for LGBTQ Americans

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Today, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement upon House passage of the bipartisan Equality Act, a bill that she cosponsored. The Equality Act passed the House in 2019 but was blocked by the GOP-led Senate. It extends civil rights protections to members of the LGBTQ community. “All Americans deserve non-discrimination protections in the workplace, in school, in…

Castor, Bilirakis, Crist Introduce Resolution Honoring Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers

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Today, U.S. Reps. Kathy Castor (FL14), Gus Bilirakis (FL12) and Charlie Crist (FL13) introduced a resolution honoring the Tampa Bay Buccaneers after their decisive Super Bowl LV victory. “It’s been an incredible year for Tampa Bay sports, and there was no better way to start 2021 than with a Bucs Super Bowl win,” said Rep. Castor. “We’re proud that our sports teams have given us so much…