U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor Statement on Hillsborough Republican County Commissioners Blocking Teacher Pay Raises
July 17, 2024
TAMPA, FL – U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor released the following statement after Republicans on the Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners voted to block a ballot initiative that would have allowed citizens to decide whether or not to raise salaries for Hillsborough County Public School (HCPS) teachers: “Hillsborough teachers are underpaid by thousands of dollars compared to surrounding counties, and that has contributed to a serious teacher shortage in local schools. In the 2023-2024 school year, Hillsborough County Public Schools lost nearly 10 percent of our teachers. That is why HCPS scheduled a countywide referendum to allow voters to decide whether or not to increase teacher salaries, just as other counties have done. “It is outrageous that four Republicans on the Board of County Commissioners can deny Hillsborough residents the ability to have our say on a matter of great public importance. It’s shortsighted, wrong and a ‘slap in the face’ to Hillsborough students, families and teachers who deserve better.” According to the National Education Association, Florida ranks 50th in the United States for K-12 teacher pay. With an average annual salary of $53,098, Florida teachers earn below the national average of $69,544 and below the state’s minimum wage of $58,970. |