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Health Care

Castor Statement On Energy and Commerce Committee’s Passage Of Landmark America’s Affordable Health Choices Act

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement today regarding Energy and Commerce’s passage of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act: “America’s health care system is broken. Health care is too expensive. Wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of premiums. Insurance companies rake in exorbitant profits every year. Meanwhile families with insurance and families without insurance are suffering.

Castor Promotes On-site Workplace Health Clinics

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As Congresswoman Kathy Castor works on the most significant health care reform in decades, she is focusing on strategies that reduce the cost of care while making sure Americans have convenient access to doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. Castor is working to add a provision to the health care reform bill that will help businesses develop on-site clinics and wellness initiatives for their employees.

Community Health Centers Win From Recovery Act

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor announced today that Tampa Bay area community health centers are receiving more than $7 million through President Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The money is creating and preserving jobs, enabling health centers to see more patients and funding critical construction work at health center locations.

Castor Works To Stem Physician Resident Shortage

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Working on the most significant health care reform in a generation, Congresswoman Kathy Castor today discussed one of the major issues facing Florida: a shortage of physician residents. The Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act will increase the number of physician residency training positions in Tampa Bay area hospitals and in other communities facing resident shortages. Castor is working to include these measures in the overall health care reform package.

Castor Emphasizes Need To Improve Primary Health Care

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor announced today that landmark health care reform legislation will include dramatic improvements in primary care and will include many of Castor’s initiatives. Castor announced today she has filed the Primary Care Volunteer Incentive Act, which is designed to encourage more medical students to enter primary care fields.

Castor Files Breast Cancer Disparities Bill

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With the goal of eliminating disparities in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor announced today that she has introduced a bill designed to ensure that the cancer diagnostic and follow-up tests that are offered to some are offered to all. The bill will require providers to report their practices to encourage doctors to offer adequate care for all, regardless of race, income or health insurance status.