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Press Release

Castor Vows to Work to Protect Medicare

In response to the Republican 2012 budget proposal released today and the impending government shutdown, Congresswoman Kathy Castor spoke on the House floor; in her remarks, she was critical of the Republican plan to dismantle Medicare as we know it and the irresponsibility of the Republicans cheering an impending government shutdown.

In response to the Republican 2012 budget proposal released today and the impending government shutdown, Congresswoman Kathy Castor spoke on the House floor; in her remarks, she was critical of the Republican plan to dismantle Medicare as we know it and the irresponsibility of the Republicans cheering an impending government shutdown.

“The Congressional Republican budget proposal aims to dismantle Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher system that would likely reduce benefits and shift more and more costs to seniors and their families,” Castor said. “Our older neighbors deserve better.

“Rather than address the deficit and debt by ending special interest tax loopholes or tax earmarks, Republicans are turning Medicare on its head by cutting access to doctors, hospitals and hospice for our older neighbors,” Castor continued. “In this budget released today they are putting millionaires, oil companies and other special interests above the needs of our seniors.”

For many decades Medicare has provided our older neighbors with dignity and financial security in their retirement years. Under the Republican scheme, many seniors will not have access to the quality, affordable health care they need as they grow older. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that seniors on Medicare would be less likely to buy comprehensive health coverage if Medicare were privatized. 

“Medicare and dignity later in life is at risk now because Republicans are guarding many special interest loopholes and tax breaks for millionaires counter to the recent recommendations of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform,” Castor said. “We are not going to stand for it. We are going to stand on the side of our older neighbors to ensure they can live their retirement years with dignity and financial security.

“For too long, I have seen these private insurance companies fleece the system and mislead seniors at the expense of seniors’ health,” Castor continued. “Turning Medicare over to the private sector is the wrong thing to do.

“Directions to implement a government shutdown have been distributed,” Castor said.  “Meanwhile, my Republican colleagues cheered the impending prospect of a government shutdown at their meeting last night. But furloughed workers will hurt our economy and tourism industry by closing parks and museums and through delays in processing visa and passport applications. Our neighbors who depend on services will certainly be hurt when veterans’ services are curtailed and the Social Security Administration offices are understaffed. The President and other Democrats have met the House Republicans half way – the definition of a compromise.  Extremist Tea Party ideology is pushing the Republicans toward shutting down the government and outlandish proposals like ending Medicare as we know it.”