Representatives Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), Gene Green (D-TX), Richard Hudson (R-NC) and Kathy Castor (D-FL) reintroduced the MISSION Zero Act (H.R. 880), to assist the Department of Defense (DoD) in assigning trauma surgeons to civilian trauma centers filling a gap in care recently examined by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Read more »
U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor’s District Director, Chloe Coney, will retire after serving Tampa’s community for more than 40 years in areas of economic development, housing and community building, including the last 10 years with U.S. Rep. Castor’s office.
“Chloe’s passion and expertise have served our neighbors, families and businesses well,” U.S. Rep. Castor said. “She is revered by Tampa’s… Read more »
U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor released the following statement on the executive order on refugees:
“President Trump’s executive order targeting and banning legal permanent residents and refugees from war-torn areas is illegal, immoral and un-American. It has made us less safe. If the President wants to empower jihadists, this is the way to do it.
I am in contact with… Read more »
The end of the “wet foot/dry foot” policy should be followed by congressional action to lift the outdated economic embargo and improve economic conditions for everyday Cubans. Read more »
Please see the attached letter from U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) to House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy regarding misleading and inaccurate information in Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s recent correspondence on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare & Medicaid. Read more »
As the GOP leadership leads an effort to repeal quality, affordable health care for millions of Americans, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) was chosen as the first to lead the fight to preserve health care protections and the financial security of seniors, women and our neighbors with pre-existing conditions. Read more »
With the help of U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14), hundreds of veterans, seniors, troops, families and neighbors in the Tampa Bay area recovered more than $1.6 million in unpaid federal benefits in 2016. Nearly half—$773,132—was owed to our local veterans for benefits they have earned. Read more »
“New commercial airline service between Tampa and Cuba marks another important milestone for families on both sides of the Florida Straits. I am proud that the Tampa community has been at the forefront of positive change in America’s relationship with the Cuban people. We must turn the page on the Cold War policies of the past and build new bridges to jobs and economic opportunities for Tampa residents and the Cuba people. The regular Southwest Airline flight from Tampa International Airport is the culmination of years of advocacy with the Obama Administration. The flight is affordable and will connect families, students, cultural institutions at a pivotal time in the history of U.S./Cuba relations.” Read more »