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Press Release

Castor: Updated House Heroes Act Should Prod Senate to Act on COVID-19 Emergency Aid

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“Following months of Senate inaction, House Democrats have released an updated proffer to ensure that needed federal emergency aid will again be made available for children, families, frontline workers, small businesses, restaurants, schools, health care workers and more. Our schools, neighbors, small businesses, airport and restaurant workers need help now. I will continue to fight every…

Castor Introduces Legislation to Protect Children from Harmful Content on Internet

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the below statement following introduction of her Kids Internet Design and Safety (KIDS) Act, H.R. 8372: “As more and more children find themselves with access to smart devices, especially while many are learning virtually this fall, it is critical we take steps to protect them from harmful and damaging content online. That’s why I am proud to…

Castor Statement on Passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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  Oh America, what a loss at this moment. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg worked to ensure that our daughters, all women and all Americans are treated equally. Her work ethic and unceasing commitment to “equal justice for all” breathed life into opportunities for people from all walks of life. Her loss leaves a gaping hole on our high court and in the soul of America, especially…

Castor Provides Update on Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Statue Headed to U.S. Capitol

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“After years of work by so many, I am proud to share that Master Sculptor Nilda Comas is now able to travel to Pietrasanta, Italy and “put hammer to chisel to marble” on Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune’s statue to represent Florida in the U.S. Capitol. Official word will soon be sent to the State of Florida, but the last preliminary step in the Architect of the Capitol Procedures and…

Rep. Castor Announces Nearly $50M in Grants for City of Tampa, Hillsborough County

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Today, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) announced nearly $50M in the Department of Transportation’s Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development (BUILD) grants, previously TIGER grants, for the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County. Castor advocated for these significant investments in our community, which will lead to more jobs and boost economic development. “The nearly $50M in…

Castor Announces Additional $3M CARES Act Emergency Aid to Assist Tampa Families

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U.S. Rep Kathy Castor (FL14) today announced that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded an additional $3,075,937 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to the City of Tampa to bolster local coronavirus relief efforts. The funding was authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and follows $1,894,705 in CDBG funding that…

Castor Statement on Trump’s Election Year Epiphany on Offshore Drilling

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Every election season, the Trump administration declares drilling for oil off the coast of Florida “off the table,” but then sides with oil companies when voters aren’t watching. If President Trump truly meant what he said, he would call for Senate passage of the bipartisan Protecting and Securing Florida’s Coastline Act (H.R. 205) that passed the House in September of 2019 to make…

Castor Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Take Aim at the Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Travel, Tourism Industries

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) introduced H.R. 8122- the bipartisan Protecting Tourism in the United States Act with Rep. Fred Upton (MI06) which directs the Department of Commerce to study the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the travel and tourism industry. “Our nation is facing one of the gravest health and economic emergencies in more than 100 years. The coronavirus pandemic has…

Rep. Castor Statement on Bipartisan House Passage of Legislation to Support U.S. Postal Service

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“Today, I voted for the Delivering for America Act to protect the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and ensure it continues to be a safe and reliable lifeline for all of us. Over the past few weeks, I have heard a flood of concern from my Tampa neighbors and stories of delayed mail deliveries. The legislation will prohibit post office closures, halt the removal of mail sorting machines, remove…