Statement from U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor in Support of the Cuban People’s Fundamental Rights Ahead of Planned November 15th Peaceful Protests
November 14, 2021
As Cubans and Cuban Americans gather in peaceful protest, I stand with them in solidarity – for freedom and fundamental human rights in the face of worsening oppression from the communist regime. Autocratic Cuba has failed its people. It is time for the Cuban people to be able to freely choose their leadership and their future, and for a peaceful transfer of power. Cuban citizens must be allowed to demonstrate peacefully for fundamental freedoms. I condemn the Cuban regime’s acts of repression and call for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Cuban citizens. The Tampa community has been central and supportive of human rights and Cuban independence since the days when freedom fighter Jose Marti rallied cigar workers in Tampa for support for Cuban independence over one hundred years ago. It is no different now. My neighbors are lending their voices and rallying in the streets in support of their families and friends who are in living in desperation on the island. The Tampa Bay community stands in solidarity with the Cuban people for human rights, freedom of expression and a better life. Patria y vida to Cuba from Tampa. |