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Press Release

Rep. Castor Statement on Florida Supreme Court Invalidating the Will of Hillsborough Voters

 U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the below statement following the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Hillsborough County’s voter-approved All For Transportation sales tax:

The opponents and the Florida Supreme Court went out of their way to invalidate what the overwhelming majority of Hillsborough County citizens supported: more transit options, safer roads, less congestion, and clean air. Beyond that, a USF College of Business study found that an increased availability of transit would close the income equality gap, reduce the poverty rate and improve economic mobility. This ruling also puts our community at a disadvantage when it comes to bringing federal transportation investments and related jobs to the Tampa area. It’s a true setback for all of us who call the Tampa Bay area home, and what happens when Republicans have held the levers of power too long in a state that deserves better.