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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor's Statement on U.S. Embassy in Cuba, Travel Warning to Cuba

“The safety and security of American diplomats and their families is paramount regardless of where they serve,” said U.S. Rep. Castor. “I strongly support U.S. and Cuban efforts to determine who is responsible for the harmful sonar attacks as they must be held accountable.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement regarding the announcement of cuts to embassy staffing in Havana and travel warning for Americans to Cuba:

“The safety and security of American diplomats and their families is paramount regardless of where they serve,” said U.S. Rep. Castor.  “I strongly support U.S. and Cuban efforts to determine who is responsible for the harmful sonar attacks as they must be held accountable.

“I am concerned however that today’s announcement and indefinite suspension of visa processing and consular services goes too far and unnecessarily harms the ability of Cuban and American families to travel and see loved ones.  The State Department must swiftly develop contingency plans to continue to allow families to travel from the island.  Many of my neighbors who have been waiting for the opportunity to reconnect with loved ones now face unnecessary and heartbreaking barriers.  Cuba, Florida and many Caribbean islands and nations are recovering from devastating hurricanes and families should not be subjected to unnecessary and costly burdens and red tape when trying to visit and stay with family.

“The travel advisory also appears to be unnecessarily broad in its application to “all American travelers” to Cuba in its entirety.  Both governments should avoid calls to sever all diplomatic ties or travel, or encourage retaliatory efforts without identifying the responsible parties.  Situations like these require responsible diplomacy from both nations and I encourage both sides to work together to ensure the safety and security of American personnel without causing unnecessary burdens to families.”
