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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor rejects 'Work Harder for Less' House Republican Budget

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) today urged her colleagues on the House Budget Committee to focus on economic progress and success for all Americans, not just the wealthy, as House Republicans rolled out their controversial budget plan.
U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) today urged her colleagues on the House Budget Committee to focus on economic progress and success for all Americans, not just the wealthy, as House Republicans rolled out their controversial budget plan. 

View video of budget markup:

U.S. Rep. Castor highlighted America’s strong economic position, low gas prices and expanded health coverage -- and warned that the House Republican budget puts recent economic gains at risk. 

“For America’s hardworking families, the Republican budget will make it harder to buy a home, harder to send a kid to college, and harder to enjoy a secure and dignified retirement,” said U.S. Rep. Castor, who serves on the Budget Committee.

Once again, Republicans are trotting out old ideas to do new damage to seniors, children and families. Under the Republicans’ “Work Harder for Less” budget:

  • Green-lights the massive Romney-Ryan tax windfall to ultra-wealthy, while hardworking families will face higher taxes
  • Students will face deep education cuts and college will become less affordable;
  • Our nation will witness the end of the Medicare guarantee and seniors currently on Medicare will immediately pay more for preventive services and seniors with high prescription drug costs will see prices skyrocket;
  • The investments needed to keep America number one in the global economy will face even deeper cuts than the already devastating sequester.

U.S. Rep. Castor will offer two important amendments to (1) boost medical research funding at the National Institutes of Health that will benefit researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center, USF Health and biomedical firms, and (2) sustain the vital transportation and infrastructure trust fund -- both of which are important to America’s global competitiveness and to creating high-paying jobs in the Tampa Bay area.

The American Society of Civil Engineers today announced its support of the Castor Transportation Amendment. 

“The ASCE supports a forthcoming Budget Committee amendment to be offered by Congresswoman Castor that would help adequately fund our nation’s transportation programs,” stated Peter Nonis with the ASCE. “By taking steps to invest in our nation’s infrastructure, the United States can protect $3.1 trillion in GDP, $1.1 trillion in U.S. trade value and 3.5 million jobs and a little over $3,000 a year per family. Without these investments, infrastructure – the backbone of our nation’s economy – will continue to decline and Americans will pay the price.”

U.S. Rep. Castor continued:  “The draconian cuts proposed by House Republicans are unrealistic and does nothing to improve paychecks and wages, which have been stagnant despite an improved labor market. Middle-class Americans have been squeezed for far too long but the House Republican budget once again weakens the middle-class. I encourage my colleagues to end the harmful sequestration, end the gimmicks and focus on building on our economic progress so that all of our neighbors can reach financial security.” 
