U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor: Congressional Republican budget protects special interests while slashing Pell grants, medical research, and infrastructure
April 3, 2014
Today, during the House Budget Committee, Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) criticized the FY2015 Republican budget for protecting special interests rather than supporting investments in infrastructure, education and research initiatives that would spur the economy, especially in Tampa Bay. “The balance here in Washington is tilted towards special interests,” Rep. Castor said. “To not go after one special interest loophole and instead put the burden on our working families and middle America and put the burden on our working families and middle America is really a recipe for disaster.” Rep. Castor has sponsored more than 10 amendments that would improve the Republican budget, including an amendment that would put the National Institutes of Health (NIH) back on track to repair the 11 percent cut that took place over the last two years. Last year, Moffitt Cancer Center and the University of South Florida were impacted by NIH funding cuts, and a group of local post-doctoral students urged Rep. Castor to fight for support of medical research vital not only for saving lives, but also for fueling the economy. Rep. Castor serves on the Budget Committee and throughout every step of the budget development process, fights to bring jobs and economic opportunities to Tampa Bay, and protect seniors, families and students against harmful cuts. Yesterday, AARP highlighted the dangerous impact of the Republican budget on seniors, especially where it turns Medicare into a voucher-style program : “Removing the Medicare guarantee of affordable health coverage for older Americans by implementing a premium support system and asking seniors and future retirees to pay more is not the right direction,” said AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond. |