U.S. Rep. Castor’s remarks on House Republicans’ 37th attempt to repeal Affordable Care Act
May 16, 2013
During today’s House proceedings, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) highlighted how small businesses, young adults, seniors and children have already benefited from the Affordable Care Act that Republicans want to repeal for the 37th time
During today’s House proceedings, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) highlighted how small businesses, young adults, seniors and children have already benefitted from the Affordable Care Act that Republicans want to repeal for the 37th time: - More than 360,000 small businesses throughout the country have taken advantage of tax credits they receive for offering health insurance to their employees; millions more are eligible. - In Florida, 224,000 young adults have health insurance because they have been able to remain on their parent’s policies until age 26. - In Florida, 1.3 million residents have received $124 million in rebates from insurance companies because of important consumer protection provisions in the law that require a larger portion of premiums go towards health care costs. - Medicare is stronger, seniors are paying less for prescription drugs as the “donut hole” closes and children no longer face discrimination due to pre-existing conditions. “To my Republican colleagues, lets come together to work on the economy and create jobs, rather than another déjà vu of repealing healthcare and wasting time,” Rep. Castor concluded.
Rep. Castor serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, including the Health Subcommittee, and as a member helped to craft the Affordable Care Act. She has since staunchly championed the health care benefits of the Affordable Care Act, as well as the positive impact to jobs and the economy. ### |