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Press Release

No New Drilling In Eastern Gulf

Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement today regarding the White House’s announcement that no new drilling will be allowed in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least the next seven years:

Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement today regarding the White House’s announcement that no new drilling will be allowed in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least the next seven years:

“The White House obviously learned lessons from the BP oil disaster. Drilling for oil off of Florida’s coast poses a threat to Florida’s economy, jobs and environment. Our small businesses and hotel owners are still suffering from the devastation left behind by the BP blowout.

“Even before the BP disaster, I stressed to the Administration that oil drilling off the west coast of Florida simply is not worth the risk. Florida is different from other states in the Gulf Coast region because we have developed thriving tourism and fishing economies rather than industrialized our coastline.  Florida’s long-term economic health is dependent upon clean water and clean beaches. I am pleased the Administration will not allow new drilling off our precious shores.


“While today’s announcement is certainly great news, much work remains to be done to make Florida whole in light of the BP oil disaster. For that reason, I filed the Gulf of Mexico Economic and Environmental Restoration Act last month to direct the bulk of the fines and penalties to be paid by BP for the Deepwater Horizon disaster to the economic and environmental recovery of the Gulf Coast. I will continue working in a bipartisan way to ensure the economic and environmental well being of our state.”