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Castor Tapped for Armed Services, Budget Committees

| Posted in Press Release

Congresswoman Kathy Castor has been tapped to serve on the Armed Services Committee and the Budget Committee in the new 112th Congress. Castor sought the Armed Services assignment to focus on local jobs related to MacDill Air Force Base and the brave men and women who serve our nation, veterans and their families. Castor also sought a seat on the Budget Committee to work on cutting our nation’s deficit, which many economists say is among the biggest threats facing our nation.

Castor Argues in Favor of Social Security Boost for Seniors

| Posted in Press Release

Congresswoman Kathy Castor argued today in favor of a boost for seniors on Social Security to counterbalance the flat cost-of-living increase this year during U.S. House consideration of the Seniors Protection Act. Castor, a member of the Congressional Task Force on Seniors, co-sponsored the Seniors Protection Act, which will give a one-time additional Social Security check to seniors.

Rep. Castor Lucha Para Seguro Social

| Posted in En Espanol

La Congresista Kathy Castor discutió hoy a favor de un alza en el Seguro Social para las personas mayores de edad durante la consideración que se le ha otorgado en la Cámara de Representantes al Seniors Potection Act, con el propósito de equilibrar el incremento en el aumento de costo de vida que se ha experimentado durante este año.