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Health Care

$2.7 Million Headed To Tampa Bay Area Community Health Centers

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor announced today that Tampa Bay area community health centers are receiving approximately $2.7 million through President Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This money will preserve and create jobs in the health care industry and will enable Tampa area community health centers to see thousands more patients.

Castor Unveils New Electronic Healthcare Initiative

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor said today that the University of South Florida’s initiative to bring electronic prescribing to the Tampa Bay area will bring much-needed and well-paying health care and information technology jobs to the region. “PaperFree Tampa Bay is exactly what was intended by the economic recovery plan,” Castor said. “It’s going to create the high-wage jobs of the future.” PaperFree Tampa Bay is a guaranteed job creator as intended by the Recovery Act, creating more than 130 in the Tampa Bay area.

Congresswoman Castor Touts Recovery Act As Job Creator

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor and Moffitt director William S. Dalton said today that the cancer and research institute is well-poised to bring hundreds of much-needed construction and health care jobs to the Tampa Bay area from the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act signed into law by President Obama on Tuesday.

Congresswoman Castor Hails Passage Of Economic Recovery Plan

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In the midst of the most significant economic collapse since the Great Depression, Congresswoman Kathy Castor hailed passage of the economic recovery plan. “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is a dramatic lifeline to families and businesses across Florida and the struggling Tampa Bay area,” Castor said. “President Barack Obama initiated a bold recovery plan of action upon taking office just as Franklin Delano Roosevelt did seventy years ago. Our neighbors and community now have better opportunities to stop the downward spiral of shrinking jobs, health care and savings.”

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor Joins President Obama at White House for Historic Children’s Health Care (SCHIP) Signing Ceremony

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In the 1990s, Florida Education Commissioner Betty Castor worked with then-Gov. Lawton Chiles on developing a health insurance program for Florida’s uninsured children. Florida Kidcare became the model for the national State Children’s Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP) which was enacted on the national level in 1997. Betty’s daughter, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, later took up the mantle and became a leading Florida advocate for families’ access to affordable health care under SCHIP. Rep. Castor was invited by President Obama to the White House to join him today as he signs the children’s health care expansion bill into law.

Castor Announces $4.3 Billion Medicaid Boost

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Congresswoman Kathy Castor announced today that the economic recovery plan will direct at least $4.3 billion in health care investments to Florida. Castor is a member of the Energy & Commerce Committee which is marking up the economic recovery plan today. The $4.3 billion investment comes from an increased federal match for Medicaid which is one of the largest boosts in the country. Castor has been pushing for this increase in health care investments since last year.

Castor Moves SCHIP Reauthorization Bill

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U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, an early leader on affordable children’s health legislation, moved the SCHIP reauthorization bill out of the Rules Committee last night and onto the House floor, where she spoke this morning and championed the importance of affordable health care. The bill includes several provisions from the first bill she filed as a member of Congress that were later blocked by President Bush. President-elect Obama has pledged to sign this bill.

Speaker Pelosi Places Castor at the Heart of Health Care Reform

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WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Congresswoman Kathy Castor was appointed last night to the exclusive House Energy and Commerce Committee. The committee directly focuses on issues vital to Tampa Bay area families, including providing access to quality, affordable health care, new energy solutions and consumer protection. Castor and the Energy and Commerce Committee will work with President-Elect Barack Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Health and Human Services Secretary-Designate Tom Daschle to shape policy and expand access to quality, affordable health care for families, veterans, seniors and children.