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Press Release

Reps. Castor and Buchanan Introduce Bill to Expand Hospital at Home, Lower Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the successful hospital-at-home initiative has allowed hospitals to provide acute care safely in patients’ homes. The At Home Observation and Medical Evaluation (HOME) Services Act would allow the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to test this delivery model on observation status patients through a two-year pilot with rigorous safety and quality protections. This cost-effective legislation will maximize the financial benefit of the initiative and allow hospitals to test the effect of hospital-level care on observation status patients in their homes. 

“Hospitals in Tampa Bay have been leading the way in providing high-quality care to patients across the region," said Rep. Castor. "This bipartisan legislation will allow our local providers to expand their services into patients’ homes, freeing up hospital beds for those who need it most and keeping our neighbors healthy and well and treated in a more comfortable setting. I am thankful for the local hospitals who are always looking forward towards more innovative and efficient models of care, as well as my colleague Rep. Vern Buchanan for partnering with me on this critical legislation.”

“This commonsense legislation builds upon the incredible success individuals have seen in hospital-at-home programs and is a much-needed solution to the healthcare challenges facing our country,” said Congressman Buchanan. “The HOME Services Act is an important step in ensuring patients receive the level of care they need and deserve in the comfort of their own homes.”

“With the incredible advancements in technology, we are reimagining how vital health care services can be delivered, and hospital at home is one of those innovative advancements. The sophistication of 24/7 comprehensive remote health care monitoring combined with personal in-home visits with a clinical team allows patients to receive top-quality hospital care from the comfort of their own homes. We are incredibly grateful to Representatives Kathy Castor and Vern Buchanan for sponsoring legislation that allows health care providers to build upon the success of hospital-at-home models by supporting more patients, such as those who may not need to be admitted to a hospital inpatient bed but still require hospital level of care that can be supported in their home,” said Mary Mayhew, President & CEO of the Florida Hospital Association. 

“Increased coverage of hospital-at-home care is something BayCare has been advocating for to improve the health of our communities. By including observation status patients, we can expand our range of service to provide health care where patients feel the most comfort, their homes,” said BayCare President and CEO Stephanie Conners. “Treating patients at home also increases our hospitals’ capacity to treat the sickest of the sick. It enables the appropriate leveling of care: It’s care where patients need it when they need it, and how they need it. I am thankful for Rep. Castor and Rep. Buchanan for their commitment to advancing care in the community where it is needed.”

“Tampa General Hospital has been operating a CMS-approved Hospital at Home program since 2022 and has seen firsthand the remarkable evidence via enhanced patient experiences and improved patient outcomes.  This is a true model of innovation that integrates remote patient monitoring, telehealth visits, and in-person comprehensive care by trained medical providers,” said Tampa General Hospital CEO John Couris.

“Moffitt Cancer Center is grateful for the leadership of Representatives Castor and Buchanan on the At Home Observation and Medical Evaluation Services Act. By allowing for the expansion of the Hospital at Home program, this bill will help Moffitt leverage the unprecedented investments we are making in our capacity to provide virtual care that delivers superior outcomes and quality of life for people with cancer,” said Philippe E Spiess, MD, Medical Director, Virtual Care and Cristina Naso, Senior Director, Virtual Care at Moffitt Cancer Center. 

Senators Rubio and Carper have introduced similar legislation in the Senate.