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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor Statement on House Passage of Continuing Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14) released the following statement after voting to pass a bipartisan Continuing Resolution to keep the government open with uninterrupted disaster relief:

“The best pathway to avoid a government shutdown is always a bipartisan path, and today a large bipartisan majority prevailed over the extreme MAGA Republicans who try to force their radical agenda on America at every turn.

“The Continuing Resolution (CR) passed today will avoid furloughs and harm to military families, Coast Guard and other public servants. Critically, the CR will ensure families and small businesses impacted by Hurricanes Idalia and Ian can access disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and extend the National Flood Insurance Program so Floridians can purchase or renew their coverage.

“I’m disappointed that 10 of my Republican colleagues from Florida were among the 90 Republicans who voted against the disaster aid for our neighbors. CRs are no way to govern, but today’s vote was necessary to avoid economic pain and harm to Florida families. I stand ready to work with my colleagues to make meaningful investments that create jobs, lower costs, strengthen our schools, and protect our air and water without extreme abortion bans or cuts to social security."

The full Florida Delegation's vote tally can be found here.