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Press Release

Reps. Castor, Joyce to Lead Bipartisan Children’s Health Care Caucus

TAMPA, FL – U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14), founder of the Children’s Health Care Caucus, announced that she and Rep. John Joyce (PA-13) will spearhead the bipartisan caucus’ efforts in the 118th Congress. The caucus is dedicated to building bipartisan support for ideas that improve the quality of care for children and their access to this high-quality care.

“The children and families who call the Tampa Bay area home benefit from the compassionate, cutting-edge care provided at St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital and Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. I am committed to supporting our medical professionals and researchers so that kids are connected to the best treatment and outcomes possible,” said Congresswoman Castor. “I’m glad to have Congressman Joyce join me and continue the bipartisan nature of the Children’s Health Care Caucus – when we come together, we can save lives, expand critical research, and provide America’s children healthy, successful futures.”

“As every parent knows, nothing is more important than our children’s health. Ensuring that children both in rural Pennsylvania and across the country have access to life-saving priorities is one of my top priorities in Congress,” said Congressman Joyce. “I’m proud to join Congresswoman Castor to lead the Children’s Health Care Caucus, and look forward to finding solutions that improve health outcomes for American children.”

“The Children’s Health Care Caucus is an essential voice for children on Capitol Hill, playing an integral role in informing Congress about the importance of children’s health coverage and what makes children’s health care unique,” said Mark Wietecha, CEO of Children’s Hospital Association. “We are grateful for Rep. Kathy Castor’s longstanding leadership of the Caucus, and we look forward to working with Rep. John Joyce as he steps into his new role as co-chair.”

“Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital serves the most complex pediatric patients and has the highest percentage of children receiving Medicaid in the state of Florida," said Alicia Schulhof, president, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. "We are thankful for all of the members of the Children’s Health Care Caucus who are working together ensure that no family has to travel far for specialized pediatric care or sacrifice the quality of care for their child."

“We are grateful for the support of the Congressional Children's Health Care Caucus to advance legislative initiatives for children in the best interest of our patients and families,” said Diane Hupp, president, UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. “We sincerely thank Rep. Kathy Castor and Rep. John Joyce for their leadership on these issues.”

“We are grateful to Congresswoman Castor and Congressman Joyce for their vision and passion to ensure that children’s health needs are at the forefront of conversations in Congress,” said St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital President Sarah Naumowich. “St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital is committed to ensuring children in our community have access to the best physical and mental health care, and we look to Congress to implement programs that help us achieve these goals. We’re thankful for the Children’s Health Care Caucus and their support of initiatives that promote quality care for children.”

“Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is grateful to Reps. Joyce and Castor for leading the Children’s Health Care Caucus and keeping children’s health priorities at the forefront of their work in Congress,” said Madeline Bell, President and CEO of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “Rep. Joyce has been a strong voice in support of CHOP and the needs of our patients and families, and we look forward to continuing to partner with him and with Rep. Castor to advocate for children at this critical time.”