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Press Release

Rep. Kathy Castor Statement on Passing of Florida State Representative Betty Reed

 “I join countless Floridians in mourning the passing of my friend and former State Representative Betty Reed. She exemplified the best of public service – she was an active parent while her beloved children attended school, serving in the Parent Teacher Association, the Hillsborough County Council of PTSA and the Florida State PTA. This important work spurred her to complete her own high school diploma by attending night and weekend classes, eventually receiving a well-earned associate’s degree from Hillsborough Community College and bachelor’s degree from National Louis University.

“Representative Reed learned firsthand about the barriers to receiving a quality, affordable education as she completed her degrees and parented her kids, and in turn helped others through her work as a financial aid assistant for Education America – now known as Remington College – and then as its director of financial aid. Her service to her Florida community only grew when she was elected as a Florida State Representative, serving as the trusted voice of Floridians in Hillsborough County for eight years.

“During her tenure as a Florida State Representative, she passed meaningful legislation, including her legislation prohibiting the use of restraints on incarcerated women in labor, delivery and recovery, which passed both the Florida House and Senate with bipartisan support. This is who Betty Reed was – a committed advocate to her neighbors who was willing to work tirelessly to achieve results that bettered the lives of Floridians.

“Representative Reed was a compassionate leader, who immersed herself in the challenges of her neighbors and served selflessly throughout her life. I am saddened by the loss of my friend, and am holding her husband James, her family, loved ones and Tampa Bay area residents in my thoughts. We are all better for the life, service and legacy of Betty Reed.”