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Press Release

Castor Statement on Trump’s Election Year Epiphany on Offshore Drilling

Every election season, the Trump administration declares drilling for oil off the coast of Florida “off the table,” but then sides with oil companies when voters aren’t watching. If President Trump truly meant what he said, he would call for Senate passage of the bipartisan Protecting and Securing Florida’s Coastline Act (H.R. 205) that passed the House in September of 2019 to make permanent the ban on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. 

No one is fooled by an executive order that can be rescinded at any time, or by a President who has rolled back over 100 landmark clean water and clean air protections. Trump opposes investments in clean energy and the related cost savings for consumers. He ignores scientists, calls the climate crisis a “hoax,” and sides with polluters over the health of families every chance he gets. Voters won’t be fooled by this election year epiphany.