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Press Release

Castor Announces $215k in Coronavirus Aid for Tampa Family Health Centers

Today, U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) announced a grant to help Tampa Family Health Centers serve our neighbors in need and combat the spread of COVID-19. Castor championed the $8.3 billion coronavirus funding package passed by the House two weeks ago and signed into law that included these funds to protect the public health of our Tampa neighbors.

“I’m working to speed emergency aid to our Tampa area neighbors, families and workers. This is the first shot in the arm that our Tampa community is receiving from the Congress and administration. Tampa Family Health Centers is a vital lifeline for families, especially during this uncertain time,” said Castor. “This a grave health crisis that also is taking a toll on jobs and paychecks.  We are counting on courageous and devoted front line workers and health professionals like those at Tampa Family Health Centers. They will help us get through this.  I want to assure our neighbors that additional help is on the way in the coming days."

Nearly $1 billion for procurement of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies to support healthcare preparedness, and for Community Health Centers to improve medical surge capacity was included in the first aid package, signed into law on March 6, 2020.