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Press Release

Castor: Florida Leads Country in ACA Open Enrollment, Shows Support for Affordable Quality Care Coverage

Today’s report by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment period shows that Florida leads in the number of our neighbors who signed up for affordable, quality health coverage once again. U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) issued the following statement:

Today’s report by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment period shows that Florida leads in the number of our neighbors who signed up for affordable, quality health coverage once again.  U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) issued the following statement:

“Today’s report – 1,786,679 signed up in Florida – clearly shows the support and need for affordable, quality health care coverage.  Although the Trump Administration slashed the number of independent navigators and did all it could to sabotage the law, Floridians have spoken through these huge enrollment numbers.  GOP officials like Gov. Scott, Attorney General Bondi and Attorney General-Elect Moody must take note of the harm their lawsuit to declare the ACA unconstitutional will cause to Floridians.”

U.S. Rep. Castor serves as Vice Ranking Member of the U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee, and helped to draft the Affordable Care Act to ensure it works for families and small businesses.  Since ACA enrollment started in 2013, Florida has led the nation in the number of sign-ups on Open enrollment took place Nov. 1 – Dec. 15, 2018.
