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U.S. Rep. Castor's Statement on the Latest Version of the Senate Trumpcare Bill

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after today’s version of the U.S. Senate GOP Trumpcare bill was unveiled: “Unfortunately, the latest GOP Trumpcare bill is just as terrible as the previous version. The inclusion of the Cruz Amendment would inflict even greater suffering for Americans with pre-existing conditions – on top of an already brutal bill.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after today’s version of the U.S. Senate GOP Trumpcare bill was unveiled:

“Unfortunately, the latest GOP Trumpcare bill is just as terrible as the previous version.  The inclusion of the Cruz Amendment would inflict even greater suffering for Americans with pre-existing conditions – on top of an already brutal bill.

“Trumpcare fundamentally means higher health costs, loss of health coverage for tens of millions of hard-working Americans, loss of key protections, a crushing age tax, and a loss of care for Alzheimer’s patients, people with disabilities and children – all in order to shift tax benefits to the wealthy.  Republicans should be working with Democrats rather than forcing families to pay higher out-of-pocket health care costs, including deductibles.  Trumpcare would gut Essential Health Benefits, meaning soaring costs for Americans with pre-existing conditions and reinstating the dreaded lifetime and annual limits on care.  Republicans are unwisely wedded to the Age Tax where Americans aged 50-64 will pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for health coverage, no matter how healthy they are.

“Instead, Congress should focus on lowering costs and doing everything possible to improve the financial security of families at home.  Raising costs on health care and lowering the number of folks with coverage is the exact opposite agenda needed for working families to prosper.” 
