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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor's Statement on the Senate GOP Delaying Their Trumpcare Vote

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after the Senate GOP announced they will delay a vote on their Trumpcare bill:

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement after the Senate GOP announced they will delay a vote on their Trumpcare bill:

“Now that the Senate GOP has delayed their Trumpcare bill vote, policymakers should take this opportunity to join together in a bipartisan way to reduce the costs of health insurance and prescription drugs, halt the sabotage of the ACA by the Trump administration and improve and expand existing health care coverage, rather than rip it away from so many.  Trumpcare in both the House and the Senate was a costly travesty for American families and small business owners as it would have caused at least 22 million Americans to lose insurance coverage, imposed an Age Tax, raided the Medicare Trust Fund and undermined essential benefits and patient coverage for preexisting conditions.  These changes were proposed by the GOP in order to pay for huge tax cuts for wealthy special interests – truly unconscionable.  Everyday citizens across America deserve credit for protesting, speaking out and derailing this unreasonable bill.  All should stay vigilant however as the House version reappeared and passed despite its devastating consequences for hardworking families.  Instead, all policymakers, regardless of party, should take this opportunity to work together to build on the success of the Affordable Care Act that has dropped the number of uninsured Americans to its lowest in history, ended discrimination against our neighbors with pre-existing conditions and brought peace of mind to so many families.”
