Today, House Republicans pulled the TrumpCare bill that was scheduled for a vote this afternoon on the U.S. House floor. U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) made the following statement about it:
“Today, my neighbors in Florida and hardworking families across America can breathe a sigh of relief that the Republican TrumpCare bill failed thanks to the outpouring of opposition from citizens, doctors, nurses, hospitals and advocates. They knew it would rip coverage away, raise costs and provide a massive tax break to wealthy special interests.
Today, House Republicans pulled the TrumpCare bill that was scheduled for a vote this afternoon on the U.S. House floor. U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) made the following statement about it:
“Today, my neighbors in Florida and hardworking families across America can breathe a sigh of relief that the Republican TrumpCare bill failed thanks to the outpouring of opposition from citizens, doctors, nurses, hospitals and advocates. They knew it would rip coverage away, raise costs and provide a massive tax break to wealthy special interests.
“Although we must remain vigilant about future Republican attempts to weaken health care in America, the failure of the Republican bill will allow millions of families to keep their health care and peace of mind. Hopefully we can work together to build on the success of the Affordable Care Act that has dropped the number of uninsured Americans to its lowest in history and ended discrimination against our neighbors with pre-existing conditions.
“Republicans tried to ram TrumpCare through the House without a single hearing and then traded consumer protections away with damaging changes to bring the right-wing tea party faction of the U.S. House on board. It collapsed under its own weight and the unmasking of the huge tax breaks to wealthy special interests while raising costs for everyday Americans and weakening Medicare and Medicaid health services.
“We have made meaningful progress to provide affordable quality health care coverage – 1.6 million in Florida and 20 million across the country have gained coverage since the ACA was enacted – and we will remain vigilant to protect quality health care coverage, Medicare and Medicaid. One of the patient protections I have been staunchly fighting to guard is the anti-discrimination provision for people with pre-existing medical conditions. I think about Greg Robertson, Christine Roeper, Joe Nammour and Darlene Goodfellow, my neighbors in Tampa Bay who have been brave as they shared their health care stories publicly and are frightened about what it means to them and their friends if this essential health benefit is stripped as Republicans aim to do. They represent 7.8 million Floridians with pre-existing conditions and 129 million across the country – these are our neighbors who have insurance through the federal marketplace exchange or through their employer. Other essential health benefits that Republicans proposed in the middle of the night last night to strip include the guarantee that health insurance plans cover emergency room and hospital visits, mental health care, prescriptions and more. The nonpartisan CBO states that these latest changes would cost an additional $186 billion more over 10 years without covering more Americans.
“I will continue to work hard every day against any Republican attempt to rip coverage away from hardworking Americans and forcing millions of families to pay more for less benefits.”