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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor's statement on Russian cyberattacks

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) issued the following statement on Russian cyberattacks against the United States:

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) issued the following statement on Russian cyberattacks against the United States:

“The United States must hold Russia accountable for cyberattacks against our country, our electoral system and the private intellectual property of American businesses. These Russian cyberattacks were not a move against any one party, they were a move against our nation and all Americans. The United States also should consider broader sanctions against the Russian government following a robust, bipartisan investigation to confirm the extent and identities of responsible individuals, including Vladimir Putin himself.  

“America must strike back at any foreign country or non-state actor that interferes in America’s most sacred exercise of democracy. Cyberwarfare against the United States demands retaliatory measures and defensive steps to protect computer systems from malevolent hacking.

“Finally, President-Elect Trump should reassess his knowledge and rhetoric towards Russia and be more circumspect in maintaining the dignity of the office upon which he is about to enter. America must stand strong and not capitulate to Russia and President Putin and their often malicious ends.”
