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Press Release

After months of pleas from experts and Florida leaders, Congress passes bill for Zika funding

U.S. Rep. Castor criticizes misplaced congressional priorities

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement and timeline relating to misplaced congressional priorities that led to the substantial delay in providing an emergency response to the Zika virus. The U.S. Congress finally passed $1.1 billion in emergency funding late last night, more than seven months after action was requested by President Obama.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL14) released the following statement and timeline relating to misplaced congressional priorities that led to the substantial delay in providing an emergency response to the Zika virus. The U.S. Congress finally passed $1.1 billion in emergency funding late last night, more than seven months after action was requested by President Obama.

“The seven-month delay in passing a Zika emergency response bill for research, testing and education highlights the misplaced priorities of a Congress that refuses to address issues of importance to American families. The special interests still have too much influence in Washington, D.C. During the past six months, I have witnessed numerous bills come to floor to benefit wealthy special interests, while issues relating to everyday working Americans go unaddressed. Despite many calls for action to address the high cost of pharmaceuticals, attempts to address special interest money in politics, ‘No Fly No Buy’ to keep terrorists from buying weapons, and sick leave or caregiver leave policies for the modern workplace, Congress continues to respond to wealthy special interests instead. Citizens will have an opportunity to weigh in on these misplaced priorities this November at the ballot box and I hope they send a message of reform and action to serve all Americans and not just the wealthy few.

“As you can see from the timeline below, it was February when President Obama and I called for Congressional action to head off this public health emergency. For more than seven months, as it grew into a public health emergency and Zika virus infections in Florida increased, Republican leadership stalled consideration. The bipartisan pleas of my congressional colleagues in Florida were ignored, as well as the pleas of national experts and most importantly, my neighbors.

“My colleagues and I were elected to the People’s House to represent the best interest of our constituents not the wealthy few. Nothing should stand in the way of a timely response to address threats to our health, security and economy.”

Timeline of Zika Response


01/20 - First cases of Zika reported in Florida

02/08 - U.S. Rep. Castor calls for Congressional Hearing on Zika

02/22 - President requests $1.9B in funding from Congress to fight Zika

03/22 - House Energy & Commerce Oversight and Investigations Hearing:  Examining the U.S. Public Health Response to the Zika Virus

04/25 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches 100

04/26 - U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor hosts backyard press event with local doctors and local mosquito control officials

05/18 - Dr. Tom Frieden, CDC Director, visits Leader Pelosi Meeting

05/18 - U.S. Rep. Castor offers Motion to Recommit on full Zika funding

05/18 - H.R.5243 Zika Response Appropriations Act, 2016 agreed to in House

06/08 - Motion to defeat previous question on Rule vote in order to bring up Zika funding bill

06/15 - FL congressional delegation meets with Dr. Tom Frieden, CDC Director

06/21 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 200

06/23 - (2:40 am) Vote on MilCon/Va with Zika Conference Report

06/28 - First baby born in Florida with Zika-related birth defect microcephaly

06/30 - Florida Democrats send letter to Gov. Scott on what his Administration can do regarding Zika, specifically expand Medicaid and release family planning dollars

07/14 - Florida Democrats send letter to Speaker Ryan urging full funding for Zika

07/15 - U.S. House recessed without passing a bill for funding to fight Zika

07/18 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 300

07/29 - Local transmission of Zika reported in Florida

08/01- CDC issues travel guidance related to Miami neighborhood with active Zika spread

08/02 - CDC announces $720,000 for Florida to detect birth defects

08/03 - Entire (bipartisan) FL Congressional delegation sends letter urging the CDC to allocate more Zika funding to Florida

08/11- Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 400

08/11- HHS  Secretary Burwell sent a letter to Congressional Leadership detailing the critical initiatives that U.S. health officials will have to raid for funds to fight Zika since the Republicans refuse to make emergency resources available

08/12 - HHS declares a public health emergency in Puerto Rico with 10,690 Zika cases recorded, including 1,035 who are pregnant

08/19 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 500

08/19 - U.S. Rep. Castor joins USF medical experts & researchers urge Congress to pass funding to fight Zika

09/01 - Florida finds Zika virus in trapped mosquitoes, first in the continental United States

09/07 - U.S. Rep. Castor speaks on the House Floor supporting immediate funding for Zika

09/07 - Florida congressional delegation letter to Congressional leadership regarding clean Zika bill

09/09 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 600

09/13 - Florida congressional delegation letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott regarding Zika

09/28 - Number of reported Zika cases in Florida reaches more than 900

