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Press Release

Update on Funding to Fight Zika: House Republicans ignore pleas for a vote this week, fail to schedule vote next week

After returning from the longest summer recess in at least 60 years, House Republicans once again refused to address the public health threat of the Zika virus and announced they have no plans to take up a bill next week to address the fight against a growing outbreak.

After returning from the longest summer recess in at least 60 years, House Republicans once again refused to address the public health threat of the Zika virus and announced they have no plans to take up a bill next week to address the fight against a growing outbreak.

“It is unconscionable not to vote this week and I find it unfathomable that House Republicans are refusing to schedule a vote next week to fund vaccine development, research, and the tools our local communities need to prevent this public health crisis from growing, ” U.S. Rep. Castor said. “The inaction is irresponsible as my colleagues and neighbors throughout Florida have come together to urge and plea for funding to fight the Zika virus. The House Republican leadership doesn’t seem to care if one more pregnant woman is infected, if one more family is threatened with a lifetime of health woes, if one more baby is born with a condition that could have been prevented.”
