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Press Release

U.S. Rep. Castor's statement on passage of year-end omnibus appropriations bill

Congress today came together to pass an important omnibus appropriations bill that funds medical research, education and clean energy initiatives that will boost jobs across the Tampa Bay area and America. Democrats successfully beat back scores of harmful Republican policy ‘riders’ on Planned Parenthood, Cuba, environmental protection and other topics.

Congress today came together to pass an important omnibus appropriations bill that funds medical research, education and clean energy initiatives that will boost jobs across the Tampa Bay area and America. Democrats successfully beat back scores of harmful Republican policy ‘riders’ on Planned Parenthood, Cuba, environmental protection and other topics.

“I am especially pleased that we have secured a $2 billion boost for the National Institutes of Health, Alzheimer's and cancer research that will lift research efforts at the University of South Florida and the Moffitt Cancer Center,” U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor's (D-Tampa Bay, FL) said.  “Patients, families and researchers have been pressing for greater investments over the past few years and it has been one of my top priorities. Decades of investment in NIH research and scientific grants across the country have established America as the world leader in treatments and cures, but that was at risk due to mindless tea party cuts over past years.

“I will keep fighting to shield investments in medical research from congressional budget battles, but the $2 billion increase for NIH over last year will restore America’s commitment to the health science research mission. This will create high-paying jobs in my community and across the country.

“Several increases in education are also part of today’s omnibus bill, including $2.8 billion for Child Care and Development Block Grants, which is $326 million more than last year,” U.S. Rep. Castor continued. “In addition, Head Start will receive $9.2 billion, which is $570 million more than last year. Early childhood education continues to be an invaluable community investment to ensure children succeed in school and later in life. I also applaud the $500-million boost to Title I grants and continued support for Pell Grants that my community has staunchly championed.”

Highlights of funding increases and investments that will impact Tampa Bay:

  • $94M for MacDill/Special Operations construction.
  • 1.3% pay increase for military personnel, including airmen at MacDill AFB.
  • $117.1M for KC-46 procurement.
  • $8.2B for military construction, which is an increase of $1.6B compared to FY15 and could help the VA move forward with the bedtower, which will provide more private rooms for veterans.
  • $2.7B for disability claims process and a $173M increase compared to FY15. This will go towards eliminating the backlog of pending veterans’ claims.
  • $109.9M to handle appeals of VA claim rulings and an increase of $11M compared to FY15.
  • At least a dozen solar companies located in Tampa Bay will benefit from the Solar Investment Tax Credit extension (2017-2021).
  • $6B for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is an increase of $535M compared to FY15 and includes $1.7B to support flood and storm damage activities.
  • 9/11 First Responders:  Includes the reauthorization of the critically important James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, making the World Trade Center Health Program permanent and reauthorizing the Victims Compensation Fund for five years.  If Congress did not act, the benefits would have run out for the 70,000 9/11 first responders and survivors.

Just as importantly, U.S. Rep. Castor supported staving off reckless riders in today’s omnibus bill that would have rolled back progress on restoring U.S./Cuba relations, blocked President Obama’s Clean Power Plan and blocked U.S. Department of Justice defense of immigration executive actions, which are currently being challenged in the federal court system.

More of the GOP ideological riders that Democrats got removed from the omnibus appropriations bill.

"While today’s omnibus bill includes significant wins for my neighbors in Tampa Bay, I am extremely disappointed that Republicans rammed through a holiday gift to Big Oil and failed to provide help for Puerto Rico as these neighbors face a dire economic crisis,” U.S. Rep. Castor said. “While I am disappointed in the actions by the Republican leaders in Congress concerning these two outrageous policies, but I am at least somewhat encouraged by the addition of clean energy provisions and to see that our efforts are forcing Speaker Ryan to acknowledge and address the serious situation in Puerto Rico."
