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U.S. Rep. Castor applauds bipartisan vote for ‘Doc Fix,’ extension of CHIP

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) applauded U.S. House of Representatives’ passage today of the bipartisan Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA or H.R. 2), a major accomplishment for a Congress that has had difficulty in passing meaningful legislation to benefit America.

U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL) applauded U.S. House of Representatives’ passage today of the bipartisan Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA or H.R. 2), a major accomplishment for a Congress that has had difficulty in passing meaningful legislation to benefit America. 

The landmark bill will allow seniors who rely on Medicare and the doctors who serve them to breathe easier because Medicare will be stronger in future years and will transition from a quantity-based “fee-for-service” system to one more focused on quality.

The bill also boosts Florida Healthy Kids and children and families across America through continuation of the Affordable Care Act provisions and funding levels for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and community health centers.

“Today’s vote shows what so many of our neighbors and I have been hoping for -- that Congress can come together to address the nation’s key issues and produce bipartisan results. Today’s bipartisan action is a big step forward for the health of our retirees and hardworking families.”

U.S. Rep. Castor, along with U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA), serves as co-chair of the U. S. House of Representatives Children’s Health Care Caucus. Earlier this week, they championed the landmark health bill to extend CHIP for two years, permanently fix the SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate) formula for Medicare physician payments, and secure critical funding for community health centers.

“Mr. Reichert and I work so well together as co-chairs of the Children’s Health Care Caucus, it’s good to see that the entire House can do so as well.”   

CHIP currently provides affordable health insurance and care for more than 8 million children from working families across America. Today’s passage of H.R. 2 extends CHIP so that families have peace of mind that they can still afford insurance and see the doctor.

H.R. 2 also at long last replaces the broken SGR formula, ensuring that seniors can continue to see their doctor, transitions Medicare away from a volume-based system towards one that rewards value and ensures the accuracy of payments. Moreover, it strengthens the affordability and quality of care for our older neighbors and modernizes Medicare for future generations.

Critical funding for community health centers over the next two years is also part of H.R. 2. expands investments in medical care for underserved communities, while creating jobs in infrastructure as well as the health care industry. More new community health centers have opened in the Tampa Bay area in the past six years than almost any other community in the country.

“Today, Congress passed a bipartisan agreement that provides the reforms needed to break free from the decade-long cycle of annual ‘Doc Fix’ patches. Our seniors and children will be better served because of it and today’s legislation also restores clarity in the federal budget,” U.S. Rep. Castor concluded. “Hopefully, it signals more of what my neighbors and I have been looking for – Congress working together for bipartisan solutions to our many challenges”.
