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U.S. Rep. Castor: Updated statistics demonstrate impressive Affordable Care Act benefits for Tampa Bay families

Today, U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (D- Tampa/St. Petersburg) released new statistics demonstrating sustained progress of the Affordable Care Act for Tampa Bay area families.

Today, U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (D- Tampa/St. Petersburg) released new statistics demonstrating sustained progress of the Affordable Care Act for Tampa Bay area families. 

“The Affordable Care Act is lowering health insurance costs and improving benefits,” Castor said.  “Tampa Bay families have greater economic security due to the real-world improvements – from children with pre-existing conditions, to young adults staying on their parents insurance, and seniors paying less for drugs.  Hundreds of thousands of our neighbors across Tampa Bay have received over $47 million in rebates from insurance companies due to the Affordable Care Act.  This summer an additional 614,245 Floridians are expected to receive $54 million.”

The analysis by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee minority office provides estimates by congressional district of the number of people benefiting from health care law.  It was released yesterday on the same day House Republicans voted for the 38th time to repeal the protections and reforms of the health care law.

“At a time when so many of our neighbors are already seeing real results from health care reform, Republicans are intentionally trying to impede progress for families and put health insurance companies back in charge of health care, turn Medicare into a voucher program and end important consumer protections,” Castor continued.  “Now is the time for communities to work together to ensure that all of our neighbors receive quality affordable health care.”

The new analysis shows that the health care law has already provided:

Coverage for 49,800 additional young adults in Tampa Bay.
The health care law requires health insurers to permit parents to retain coverage for their children until their 26th birthday.  Because of this provision, 49,800 young adults across the Bay Area have already gained health care coverage.

Lower drug costs for 77,200 seniors in Tampa Bay.
The health care law is providing major savings in drug costs for seniors in the Medicare Part D ‘donut hole.’  Because of this provision, 77,200 seniors in my congressional district have received prescription drug discounts worth $100.5 mill.

Free preventive services for 1.02 mill seniors in Tampa Bay.
Since 2011, the health care law provides free Medicare coverage of preventive services, such as mammograms and colonoscopies.  Because of this provision, 1.02 mill seniors are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance or deductible. 

Free preventive services for 1.176 mill individuals in private plans.
Since September 2010, the health care law also provides, for those enrolled in most private plans, free coverage of preventive services.  As a result, 1.176 mill individuals in private plans – including 207,000 children and 522,000 women – now have health insurance that covers preventive services without any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductible.

Savings in premiums for 946,000 individuals in Tampa Bay.
946,000 individuals in the district have saved on their premiums due to ACA provisions that prevent insurers from spending more than 20% of their premiums on profits and administrative overhead.  Because of these protections, over 946,000 consumers in the district received approximately $47.2 mill in insurance company rebates in 2011 and 2012.

Protection for up to 237,000 children with pre-existing conditions.
Since September 2010, the health care law has prohibited insurers from denying coverage to children for having a pre-existing health condition.  Because of this provision, up to 237,000 children with pre-existing conditions across Tampa Bay are being protected from denial of coverage.    

Elimination of lifetime limits on coverage for 1.249 mill individuals.
Since September 2010, the health care law has prohibited insurers from placing a lifetime limit on coverage.  As a result, in the Tampa Bay area, 1.249 mill individuals no longer have a lifetime limit imposed on their coverage, and beginning in 2014, will not face an annual limit on coverage.

Access to quality, affordable coverage for 890,000 uninsured individuals.
Beginning in 2014, millions of uninsured Americans will gain access to quality, affordable health coverage, through the new Marketplaces and the expansion of Medicaid, under the health care law.  In the Tampa Bay area, 890,000 individuals who lack health insurance will have access to quality, affordable coverage without fear of discrimination or higher rates because of a preexisting health condition.