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Press Release

Castor statement on Secretary Salazar's deepwater drilling announcement

The BP Deepwater Horizon disaster confirmed our worst fears that oil drilling is risky to Florida's economy and environment. Florida jobs, our tourism economy, and fishing industry must be protected from Big Oil's push to elevate profits over safety.

Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement today regarding Secretary Salazar’s announcement to reopen deepwater oil drilling:

“The BP Deepwater Horizon disaster confirmed our worst fears that oil drilling is risky to Florida's economy and environment.  Florida jobs, our tourism economy, and fishing industry must be protected from Big Oil's push to elevate profits over safety.  While the Obama Administration has improved safety requirements and oversight of Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling, I am not satisfied that oil companies have the ability to respond to disasters like BP’s Deepwater Horizon catastrophe or that the Administration has proactively disavowed its March 2010 announcement to consider allowing rigs to operate closer to Florida's west coast beaches."

“The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico proves that oil drilling should not be allowed even one mile closer to the west coast of Florida.  However, as Gulf of Mexico deepwater drilling is allowed to move forward, the least we should expect is that operators certify compliance with a much higher level of safety and environmental rules and that members of industry demonstrate the availability of adequate blowout containment resources. 

"Secretary Salazar’s announcement today is no guarantee that an accident will never occur and therefore we must remain vigilant in the face of the Secretary's March 2010 announcement to consider opening additional waters off of Florida's west coast to oil drilling.

“Secretary Salazar has stated there has been ‘significant progress’ in reforms for drilling and workplace safety.  However, both he and Director Bromwich say ‘more needs to be done.’  None of this, the progress, nor the concession that more needs to be done, offers complete assurance that it is appropriate to lift the moratorium early."

"In addition to concerns for oil companies' ability to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Administration should be concerned about Florida’s jobs, small businesses, and the harm caused to Florida’s improving economy by BP’s oil disaster and the potential for another disaster.  We must do everything we can to protect Floridians from the very real potential for another disaster from the inherently risky oil industry with a proven record of putting profits above safety and the welfare of our citizens."

“Secretary Salazar should follow today’s statement with a renouncement of the March 2010 announcement to consider opening additional waters off Florida's west coast to oil drilling.”

Congresswoman Castor has led the charge to ensure that Florida is protected from oil drilling off of our coast.  She is the author of the Florida Coastal Protection Act, which would permanently prohibit oil drilling, leasing, preleasing, and any related activities off the Gulf coast and the Straits of Florida.  The current buffer 235 miles off of Tampa Bay is effective only through 2022.