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Press Release

Gulf Coast Claims to be Considered

“This is great news for our hardworking small-business owners and tourism leaders on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Although the Tampa Bay area has had no oil on its beaches, our hotels, restaurants and fishermen have been affected nonetheless.
Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement today regarding Ken Feinberg’s announcement that Tampa Bay area business claims will be considered by the Gulf Coast Claims Facility:

“This is great news for our hardworking small-business owners and tourism leaders on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Although the Tampa Bay area has had no oil on its beaches, our hotels, restaurants and fishermen have been affected nonetheless. They have suffered economically, and many have legitimate claims. I am glad we have been able to overcome this hurdle, and it is appropriate their claims will be considered. Mr. Feinberg clearly heard from us about just how important it is for these claims to have a fair review.”

In July, Castor, who serves on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, helped set up a hearing on the impact of tourism on the Gulf Coast since the oil disaster occurred and urged timely payment to businesses affected by the BP disaster, regardless of location. Administrator of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility Ken Feinberg and Keith Overton, senior vice president and chief operating officer of TradeWinds Resort and Chairman of the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, were witnesses. Audio and video of the hearing is available at /Multimedia/?MediaID=2322.