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Press Release

Castor Steps Up Pressure on BP

Today, Congresswoman Kathy Castor is demanding stronger action be taken by BP in order to alleviate Florida’s damaged tourism, job market and economic recovery and criticizing BP for its extravagant corporate image advertising campaign.

Today, Congresswoman Kathy Castor is demanding stronger action be taken by BP in order to alleviate Florida’s damaged tourism, job market and economic recovery and criticizing BP for its extravagant corporate image advertising campaign.


The Congresswoman stated, “BP is morally and financially obligated to do everything in its power to address the substantial damage to our small business owners and tourism and fishing industries.”


Castor also stated, “BP's efforts to date have not gone far enough in providing a lifeline to small business owners in the face of the damage BP has caused.”


Castor outlined different solutions for BP to implement in the wake of this horrific disaster, including suggesting BP devote a portion of the ad campaign polishing their image to a targeted ad campaign that encourages families and businesses to take a vacation on Florida's beautiful beaches; establish an escrow fund for vouchers that encourage travel to the economically impacted beaches of Florida; and fund a $500-million marketing campaign.


Also, the Congresswoman successfully secured a hearing on the impact of tourism on the Gulf Coast since the oil disaster occurred. The hearing will be held Tuesday, July 27th at 10am in the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. Keith Overton, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, of Tradewinds Resort and Chairman of Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association will be a witness.