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Castor Grills BP CEO Hayward

"BP elevated profits over safety. From the testimony I heard today from Mr. Hayward, I am convinced BP was blinded by profits, much to the detriment of the victims of this disaster

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Congresswoman Kathy Castor questioned BP CEO Tony Hayward during the Energy and Commerce's Oversight and Investigation hearing today and released the following statement:

 "BP elevated profits over safety. From the testimony I heard today from Mr. Hayward, I am convinced BP was blinded by profits, much to the detriment of the victims of this disaster --- from the 11 rig workers who lost their lives to the hardworking fishermen in my home state of Florida and the Gulf Coast region to the small business owners to the tourism industry.

 "Republican Congressman Joe Barton's (R-TX) apology to BP demonstrates that some Republicans in Congress are simply out of touch. It is outrageous that he is siding with BP over the true victims of the disaster. Floridians are worried about their way of life vanishing. They are suffering financially and deserve their fair share of the $20 billion fund set aside by BP. Congressman Barton's apology to BP was reprehensible.

 "For many decades, BP and Big Oil pressed to bring rigs closer to Florida, claiming drilling was safe. It is not safe at all. According to a Minerals Management Service study conducted in 2007, 126 blowouts have occurred at offshore drilling facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf since 1971. In 1979, a blowout at Ixtoc oil well in the Gulf of Mexico created a disaster that flowed continuously for 290 days. These dangerous oil rigs must remain far off Florida’s beaches.”