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Press Release

Castor Urges Gov. Scott, AG Bondi to File Claim In Oil Disaster

Congresswoman Kathy Castor again urged Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi to expeditiously prepare a claim in federal district court against BP/ Transocean for State of Florida damages suffered during last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil disaster.
Congresswoman Kathy Castor again urged Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi to expeditiously prepare a claim in federal district court against BP/ Transocean for State of Florida damages suffered during last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. One of the federal court deadlines to file claims is quickly approaching: April 20.

“Florida’s claim against BP must be presented and pursued doggedly,” Castor wrote. “I urge you to take action quickly to protect Florida taxpayers.”

The full letter is attached. Also attached is a letter Castor wrote to Gov.-elect Scott in December about this issue. “State taxpayers need to be assured that BP will make whole the damage done at a time when state and local budgets are already very tight,” Castor wrote in the December letter.

The State of Louisiana and several Florida communities, for example, have filed claims for lost bed-tax revenue.

April 11, 2011 Letter to Gov. Scott and Attorney General Bondi

December, 2010 Letter to Gov-Elect Scott re: Gulf Coast Recovery