Press Releases

Jun 30, 2020 Press Release
Plan Would Put Americans Back To Work, Save Lives, And Help the United States Reach Net Zero By 2050
“Our plan will put people back to work and rebuild in a way that benefits all of us. That means environmental justice and our vulnerable communities are at the center of the solutions we propose. The health of our families and the air we breathe are at the heart of our plan. We chart the course to good-paying jobs in solar and wind energy, in manufacturing American-made electric vehicles, and in strengthening communities, so they are more resilient to flooding, extreme heat, intense hurricanes and wildfires.”
Jun 29, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON - Chair Kathy Castor, members of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, and a group of special guests will join a virtual roundtable on Tuesday afternoon to discuss how climate solutions can help keep families healthy, advance environmental justice, and create more resilient communities.

Jun 28, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON - On Tuesday, June 30, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will join Chair Kathy Castor and members of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis as they unveil a comprehensive congressional action plan to solve the climate crisis. The press conference will be held at 10:00 a.m.

May 21, 2020 Press Release
“State and local leaders across the nation are working to adjust emergency and disaster response plans — particularly around potential evacuations — to consider options to maintain public health practices, like physical distancing and ensuring adequate supplies of personal protective equipment,” said Chair Castor.
May 20, 2020 Press Release
Trump Administration’s Push To Keep Current, Inadequate Standards Would Endanger Families
“The overwhelming weight of the science has demonstrated that air pollution not only damages the heart and lungs, but also increases the risk of premature birth, low-birth weight, diabetes, and cancer,” said Chair Castor during a public hearing on the EPA's particulate air pollution standards, which was held Wednesday morning via teleconference.
Apr 20, 2020 Press Release
“COVID-19 is shining a light on health disparities and the harsh impact of polluted air on American families. In concert with scientists, we will focus on solutions that ensure a just recovery for American families,” said Chair Kathy Castor.
Apr 16, 2020 Press Release
“Even as our nation battles a virus that ravages the lungs and can cause lethal respiratory issues, the Trump administration is shamefully dismantling more clean air protections that safeguard Americans,” said Chair Castor.
Apr 10, 2020 Press Release
In Letter, House Chairs Outline Urgent Concerns Over Trump's Political Attacks On Independent Watchdogs
“Unlike any President in modern history, President Trump has engaged in offensive and unjustified attacks against Inspectors General, criticizing them for following the law, and retaliating against them for telling the truth,” multiple House Chairs said in a joint letter.
Apr 3, 2020 Press Release
“Big Oil executives and President Trump should not be cutting deals to avoid environmental protections that safeguard the public health, the air we breathe and the water we drink - especially during a public health crisis. The Trump Administration also should not collude with polluters and other countries to artificially raise gas prices on American families and businesses,” said Chair Castor.
Mar 20, 2020 Press Release
In Letter To House Leaders, Select Committee Outlines Ways To Boost Clean Energy In COVID Response
"When the worst of the COVID crisis has passed and America goes back to work, climate solutions can help drive economic recovery," the members said in a joint letter.
