Chair Castor: Trump Must Not Raise Gas Prices For Struggling Americans

Apr 3, 2020
Press Release

WASHINGTON (April 3, 2020) - Chair Kathy Castor (D-FL) of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released the following statement on Friday, in reaction to President Trump’s White House meeting with oil and gas CEOs amid the coronavirus public health crisis:

“Big Oil executives and President Trump should not be cutting deals to avoid environmental protections that safeguard the public health, the air we breathe and the water we drink - especially during a public health crisis. The Trump Administration also should not collude with polluters and other countries to artificially raise gas prices on American families and businesses,” said Chair Castor. “As more than 10 million workers suddenly find themselves without a job, Trump is shamefully cozying up with oil and gas executives, increasing prices at the gas pump in order to protect the profits of polluters. He is also ignoring the millions of clean energy workers who are driving innovation and lowering energy costs across the nation. This is a time to stand up for workers, not Big Oil executives. And this is certainly not the time to raise prices at the pump. We call on President Trump to put people over polluters. Do not turn your back on the families struggling through this unprecedented pandemic.”


116th Congress