U.S. territories are on the front lines of the impacts of climate change and require unique scientific and technical assistance and robust financial support to understand climate-related threats, develop renewable energy systems, and build resilience. Congress must embed insular areas throughout an equitable and just national climate policy.
Ensure that Insular Areas are eligible for technical assistance and funds under the new National Climate Adaptation Program.
Establish a process for offshore wind leasing in the U.S. territories.
Deploy resilient renewable energy and microgrid systems in U.S. territories by providing technical assistance and funding through USDA.
Include Insular Areas in the advancement of climate science, including development of climate risk information, tools, and monitoring for real-time weather and conditions.
Increase funding for DOI’s Office of Insular Affairs to work with territories on implementing climate solutions.
Strengthen the health care sector in Insular Areas by ensuring their inclusion in programs to provide grants and planning assistance for energy efficiency, resilience, and preparedness.