Dear Friend, After such a momentous year, I am grateful to you and to our community for staying unified and taking care of each other. The Covid19 pandemic and its fallout has been difficult on families and small businesses, but Tampa is resilient, and I am heartened by the work of my team and partners to deliver emergency aid through the American Rescue Plan. Thanks to the Democratic-led Congress and President Biden, emergency resources and the major tax cut for most families with children was delivered when they needed it most. In addition, the American Rescue Plan helped to keep millions of small businesses and workers afloat, provide housing and food, and keep children safely in school.
We are ending the year on a hopeful note – the House passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that President Biden signed into law, and we are already reaping the benefits of this historic down payment on communities across the nation, including Tampa. To protect what makes the Sunshine State special and grow good-paying jobs in Tampa, we are strengthening the investments that support our economy and build more resilient infrastructure. I look forward to working together with local partners to improve the loves of our neighbors and future generations. Please take the time to see what we accomplished in 2021 – working in Washington to deliver for Tampa residents and businesses is one of the most important parts of my job!
The historic American Rescue Plan was signed into law in March at a time of great uncertainty and challenge to help end the Covid19 pandemic and restore the economy. This legislation has provided direct assistance to families, invested in vaccine distribution, ensured schools have the resources to continue in-person learning safely, and gave vital support to Tampa’s small businesses, local services like HART and shored up rental assistance through the city and county. - Shots in Arms: The American Rescue Plan provided $20 billion for the development and distribution of vaccines, including $7.5 billion in CDC funding to address racial disparities and ensure vaccines are reaching every community, including communities of color hit hardest by the pandemic. Today, more than 160 million Americans have been vaccinated against Covid19, and efforts continue to get more shots in arms every day.
- Money in Pockets: The American Rescue Plan provided more than 163 million Economic Impact Payments to help Americans pay their bills and help get the economy moving. Millions of families across the country have benefited from the expanded Child Tax Credit, which will provide a total of up to $3,600 per child under the age of six, and up to $3,000 per child from ages 6 to 17; the expanded Child Tax Credit is projected to cut child poverty in America in half. A total of $172.6 million in payments went into the pockets of hardworking families in the Tampa Bay region. Across Florida, 2,283,000 monthly tax cuts went to families in October alone for a total of $938.6M. The average payment per household was $411.
- Children Back in School: The American Rescue Plan included $170 billion for education and $45 billion for child care providers to help schools safely reopen for in-person learning. $122 billion has been allocated to school districts nationwide, including over $765 million for Hillsborough County Public Schools.
- People in Jobs: The American Rescue Plan invested in crucial tools to help small businesses reopen safely including the Paycheck Protection Program, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, EIDL grants, and $350 billion in critical aid to keep frontline workers such as teachers, law enforcement, and health care workers on the job. Today, more than 3 million jobs have been created since the start of the 117th Congress.
In addition to the American Rescue Plan, the House has seen bills signed into law that reflect a broad set of priorities for the American people. Below are some of the highlights:
H.R. 1799, the Paycheck Protection Program Extension Act Passed the House 3/16, signed into law 3/30
This legislation extended the Paycheck Protection Program application deadline for two months through May 31, 2021 to help struggling businesses keep workers employed during Covid19. Tampa businesses received over $2.7B in aid through PPP loans.
H.R. 1276, the SAVE LIVES Act Passed the House 3/9, signed into law 3/24
This law ensured that more veterans, their families, and caregivers got access to Covid19 vaccines in a timely manner.
S. 475, the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act Passed the House 6/17, signed into law 6/18
This law established the first federal holiday in 38 years to formally recognize Juneteenth National Independence Day and commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.
H.R 3237, the Emergency Security Supplemental to Respond to 1/6 Appropriations Act Passed the House 5/20, signed into law 7/30
This bill provides $1.9 billion in funding to secure the U.S. Capitol Complex and ensure the brave men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police have the resources they need to do their jobs. The legislation responds to the direct costs incurred by the National Guard and DC police on January 6, provides funding to improve the security of windows and doors in the Capitol complex, and secures funds to improve Capitol Police training and equipment.
H.R.3684, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Passed the House 11/05, signed into law 11/15
In partnership with President Biden, the Congress has delivered a historic investment in America’s infrastructure. Our Tampa Bay neighbors deserve modern and safe infrastructure, especially major investments in transit. We are also long overdue for major, climate-forward investments in our public transit systems to ensure that all of our neighbors are able to travel safely and efficiently. This law will provide the funds necessary to rebuild our roads and highways, modernize Tampa International Airport, support Port Tampa Bay and other economic engines and so much more. FY22 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Passed House and Senate in December, signed into law 12/27 Our men and women in uniform risk their lives daily to protect our families, our nation and our interests across the globe. We owe them the support necessary to meet ever-changing national security threats. This bipartisan defense bill will bolster our national security and invest in new, innovative technologies to maintain America’s competitive edge over our adversaries including Russia and China. Investments including a 2.7 percent pay raise for our troops and an air purification assessment for base housing and other on-base facilities will better the lives of service members and their families. This follows up on my work to ensure that housing is safe and free from mold and shoddy construction – Congress is committed to continuing to ensure that housing is improved for MacDill families. Funding that I championed for Special Operations Forces also is contained in the bill, including an increase in funding to mitigate undiagnosed, untreated traumatic brain injuries and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The NDAA will also invest in the Joint MISO WebOps Center (JMWC), which I visited earlier this year at MacDill AFB, to help modernize their work in the global information space.
House Democrats have also worked to advance critical pieces of legislation, which await action in the Senate: H.R. 1550, PREVENT HPV Cancers Act – Introduced by Rep. Castor Passed the House 11/30
The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes six types of cancers, which leads to nearly 36,000 cases of cancer each year in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) We have a vaccine that can help prevent these cancers, and it’s the goal of the PREVENT HPV Cancers Act to increase vaccination rates with an eye towards health equity. In fact, the World Health Organization established a goal of total eradication of cervical cancer last year due to the highly effective HPV vaccine and commitment by countries around the world. I am proud to work with my colleague, Rep. Kim Schrier, MD, on this important and life-saving legislation.
H.R. 3752, Pandemic Effects on Home Safety and Tourism Act – Introduced by Rep. Castor Passed the House 6/23 The bedrock tourism, travel and hospitality industries here in Tampa Bay and our neighbors who rely on those jobs need help from the devastation caused by the Covid19 pandemic. The House has passed my bipartisan legislation to help alleviate the burden on our local workers and small businesses, and gauge the true impact of this crisis on our economy. By directing the Department of Commerce to study the long-term effects of the pandemic on the travel, tourism and hospitality industries, we can create a plan to help these industries and workers bounce back and avoid the worst impacts in future emergencies. H.R. 5487, the SHINE for Autumn Act – Introduced by Rep. Castor Passed the House 12/13 The loss of a child is a tragedy that far too many of our neighbors have suffered. I am proud to work with my bipartisan colleagues to invest in research and solutions to lower the stillbirth rate in the United States and address disparities that exist in all stages of pregnancy. H.R. 1, the For The People Act Passed the House 3/03
This comprehensive legislation would promote government transparency, strengthen access to the ballot box and make it easier for Americans to exercise their right to vote, secure election infrastructure, and curb the influence of dark money in politics. A version of HEC NO, my bipartisan legislation requiring former lawmakers and others no longer seeking office to close their campaign accounts within two years, instead of living on as zombie campaigns, was included in this package.
H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act Passed the House 11/19 We made a promise to our neighbors that we would Build Back Better in the wake of the Covid19 pandemic. The past two years have underscored the urgent, tangible needs of Florida families and small business owners – access to quality, affordable health care and child care, good-paying jobs, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink, and affordable housing. We already passed the American Rescue Plan, accelerated our recovery from the pandemic, and passed an infrastructure bill to rebuild our nation and create jobs. Now we must finish the job by delivering the Build Back Better Act, which would build on that progress to ensure our economy works for everyone. H.R. 5, the Equality Act Passed the House 2/25
The Equality Act would codify consistent anti-discrimination legal protections for LGBTQ Americans by amending several existing civil rights laws to include explicit non-discrimination protections in key areas of life. H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act Passed the House 3/18
The Dream and Promise Act would protect Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status holders from deportation and provide an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status that would enable these groups to work legally within the United States and continue to contribute to their local communities and economy. H.R 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act Passed the House 4/17
This bill would strengthen labor protections around equal pay by prohibiting the use of salary history to set compensation, provide more transparent options for joining class-action lawsuits challenging systemic discrimination, and require employers to show that gender pay gaps are job-related and consistent with business need. H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and H.R 1446, the Enhanced Background Checks Act Passed the House 3/11
These bills would modernize federal laws around gun sales. The former would close current loopholes that allow buyers to purchase guns without a background check in certain venues, while the latter would prevent gun sales from going through before background checks are completed.
H.J. Res 17, Removing the Deadline for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment Passed the House 3/17
This resolution would remove the deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment in order to enshrine women’s equality in the Constitution.
H.R 256, Repeal of the 2002 AUMF Against Iraq Passed the House 6/17
This bill, which passed with bipartisan support, would repeal the 2002 Authorization of Military Force Against Iraq.
H.R. 842, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act Passed the House 3/9
This bill aims to strengthen labor protections for union workers through overriding Republican-led “right to work” laws, promoting free and fair union elections, and holding companies that attempt to restrict union activity accountable.
H.R 1230, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act Passed the House 6/23
The bipartisan Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act restores protections for older workers that were weakened in a 2009 Supreme Court ruling that made it harder for older workers to prove age-based discrimination in the workplace.
H.R. 1280, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Passed the House 3/3
This bill, which House Democrats also passed in the 116th Congress 30 days after the murder of George Floyd, will address racial bias in policing, ensure accountability for police brutality and misconduct, and work to change the culture of law enforcement to promote better relationships with the communities they serve. H.R. 1620, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act Passed the House 3/18
This long-overdue legislation to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act passed the House with bipartisan support. It would reauthorize funding to vital grant programs that help prevent sexual assault, domestic violence, and improve access to resources for victims and survivors.
In 2022, I will continue to work on the bills I’ve introduced that still await action in the House of Representatives. I’ve highlighted a few of these pieces of legislation here: H.R. 4801, the Kids PRIVCY Act Introduced 7/29 Online and digital technology, tracking and data gathering have outpaced current privacy protections for children and consumers. Companies shouldn’t be allowed to unreasonably track and target children. Many companies have been violating the minimal privacy protections in place today as devices and applications have become more sophisticated in targeting kids. The Kids PRIVCY Act builds on COPPA's strengths, expands privacy protections for children and teenagers, and incorporates key elements of the UK's Age-Appropriate Design Code. It’s time to strengthen online protections for our youngest neighbors and bring these safeguards into the 21st century. H.R. 2836, the Florida Coastal Protection Act Introduced 4/26 Here in the Sunshine State, our natural resources and beautiful beaches are central to our way of life and the cornerstone of our economy. We have seen the devastating impacts of oil and gas drilling off of our shores, and are coming together, Democrats and Republicans, to once again introduce legislation to protect our coast – permanently. President Biden took action early in his tenure to pause new oil and gas leasing in public waters and launch a rigorous review of all existing leasing and permitting related to fossil fuel development – good news for Florida. But without Congressional action, we know that executive orders can be reversed. That’s why Congress must vote to fully protect Florida’s economy and environment – by permanently banning drilling off of Florida's coast. We overwhelmingly passed this bipartisan bill last Congress, and it’s my hope, with a Democratic majority in the Senate, that we can get this bill to President Biden’s desk for signature. The future of our way of life depends on decisive action.
H.R. 2764, the Community Solar Consumer Choice Act of 2021 Introduced 4/22 This bill will support the continued growth of solar, especially among families without the resources to build their own solar system. Local solar is a winning plan – it saves consumers money, creates jobs, and reduces harmful emissions. By expanding our clean electric grid and maximizing local solar and storage, we can reduce energy costs by $88 billion and create 2 million jobs by 2050. H.R. 976, the ETHIC Act Introduced in House 2/11
We have heard troubling stories throughout the Covid19 pandemic regarding the lack of transparency around Covid19 data from many states and the federal government. Right here in Florida, we have seen a troubling pattern of withholding or censoring data regarding nursing home infections and deaths, overall mortality data and more. It is dangerous to hide valuable information or cause confusion in health data reporting. Consistent and transparent reporting of Covid19 data keeps our public health experts, small businesses and neighbors equipped to fight the coronavirus, keeps families safe, and provides tools to crush the virus. This legislation holds states accountable in the reporting of data and responds to concerns from Florida hospitals and health experts. H.R. 1874, the Expand Navigators’ Resources for Outreach, Learning and Longevity (ENROLL) Act Introduced in House 3/12 Families in Florida and across America have been aided every year by independent Navigators, including the critical effort lead by USF Florida Covering Kids and Families, that help people find the best option for their health insurance. The incredible work of local Navigators has allowed the Sunshine State to lead the way in ACA marketplace sign ups every year. My ENROLL Act will provide certainty for Floridians by securing funding for the vital services that independent, unbiased Navigators provide to our neighbors before, during and after Affordable Care Act open enrollment.
The long-awaited arrival of Florida’s new statue, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, is now on track for early 2022 after her visit to Daytona Beach where she founded Bethune-Cookman University and embarked on her impactful career on equal rights, education, the advancement of veterans and so much more. We can all be proud of the representation that Dr. Bethune will provide for our state and nation.
For years, I have worked with local and federal partners on the removal of Florida’s Jim Crow era statue from the United States Capitol’s Statuary Hall, obscure Confederate General Kirby Smith, who was finally removed in August. Floridians will soon be better represented in the U.S. Capitol by a symbol of hope and a better future. Dr. Bethune will be the first African American to officially represent a state in Statuary Hall, and Nilda Comas, will be the first Hispanic woman to have work displayed in Statuary Hall. We have made meaningful progress for the American people, and we are only just getting started. In the new year, we will continue to work to provide good-paying jobs for all of our neighbors, increase access to affordable, quality health care and child care, lower the price of prescription drugs, and more. Know that I will continue to work hard for our neighbors in 2022.
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Wishing you a relaxing and safe holiday with your loved ones!
Kathy Castor Member of Congress