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Press Release

Castor Statement on Health Care Repeal Vote

“House Republicans should join us in taking action on jobs instead of wasting enormous amounts of time on another health care debate. Instead of working to create jobs or strengthen the middle class, the GOP appears fixated on having the same debate over the Affordable Care Act. The House has now voted on health care at least 30 times this session.

Congresswoman Kathy Castor released the following statement regarding another vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act by the Republican-controlled U.S. House today:

“House Republicans should join us in taking action on jobs instead of wasting enormous amounts of time on another health care debate. Instead of working to create jobs or strengthen the middle class, the GOP appears fixated on having the same debate over the Affordable Care Act. The House has now voted on health care at least 30 times this session. 


 “The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. Now we must come together to focus on the primary challenges facing American families and small businesses. We need to work together to find innovative ways to create jobs. Jobs and economic opportunities must be our priorities.


“Repeal of the Affordable Care Act would actually harm job growth as the law makes key investments in health care jobs – including critical investments to increase the number of health care providers and strengthen the primary care workforce. Specifically, it makes investments to help alleviate the current shortage of primary health care providers, including physicians, physician assistants and nurses. Indeed, just last week the University of South Florida received new ACA grant money to boost the number of nurses.


“Florida Gov. Scott also should change his tune regarding ACA investments in Florida.  Otherwise, Florida’s economy and state budget bottom line will continue to suffer.  Governor Scott’s refusal of hundreds of millions of dollars to Florida under the ACA was fiscally irresponsible.


“Now, the Governor suggests that Florida will not implement the Medicaid expansion, which is estimated to bring more than $20 billion to Florida over the next decade, according to the Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy in Tallahassee. Gov. Scott would rather see that money, and associated jobs, go to other states.  His actions constitute fiscal malpractice and will end up costing the state.  The Governor has been loose with the facts, saying a company with 20 employees could go out of business because of the health care law and saying the health care law rations care. This simply isn’t true and it undermines confidence in small businesses at a time we need it most.

“Republicans in Congress and Florida’s Governor should end their ideologically-driven votes and announcements and focus instead on the overriding priority: positive action on jobs and improving our economy.”