Rep. Kathy Castor Calls on Senate to Block Trump’s Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement

May 31, 2019
Press Release
Statement by Rep. Kathy Castor, Chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

WASHINGTON (May 31, 2019) - Tomorrow will mark two years since Donald Trump announced his intent to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. However, the Trump Administration cannot formally withdraw until November 4, 2020. Earlier this month, the House passed H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, which would prevent Trump from leaving the agreement.

Below is a statement by Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL), Chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and the author of the bill:

“The United States is still in this agreement and Democrats are doing everything in our power to make sure it stays that way. We cannot hide from the climate crisis and we do not cut and run from our commitments.
“The American people want us to protect our health and lead the world in creating a clean energy future. We’re committed to passing climate policies that work for the people, not corporate polluters who want to make our air dirtier and climate more dangerous.
“The Senate should act as soon as possible. If Republicans refuse to hold a vote, they should offer a serious alternative for addressing our climate crisis. If they can’t offer any solutions, they’re not doing their jobs and the American people will see right through them.
“The climate crisis is not going away and we are going to keep fighting for a cleaner, healthier future for everyone. This was the first major piece of climate legislation to pass the House in 10 years. It won’t be the last.”

116th Congress