House Democrats Recap Climate Action in the First 200 Days of Congress

Jul 26, 2019
Press Release

WASHINGTON (July 26, 2019) – House Democrats today recapped climate policies they’ve worked on in Congress’s first 200 days.

“This is just the start of climate action in this Congress,” said Rep. Kathy Castor (FL-14), chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. “Americans overwhelmingly support climate action and we’re going to deliver.”

Please see a summary below and a factsheet:

  • Accountability: Democrats have held more than 70 hearings on the climate crisis. The House is holding the Trump administration accountable as they attempt to roll back at least 80 Obama-era rules, including critical fuel economy standards that cut carbon pollution and save drivers thousands of dollars at the pump.
  • International Climate Action: The House passed The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), which would prevent the Trump administration from leaving the Paris Climate Agreement. This bill’s language is mirrored in a foreign affairs appropriations bill.
  • 100% Clean Energy: The House Energy and Commerce Committee is moving forward with a plan to achieve a 100% clean economy by 2050.
  • Funding Innovation: The House-passed Energy and Water bill included an additional $500 million for climate and energy programs.
  • Making the Places We Know and Love More Resilient: Democrats have passed funding for coastal protection, wildfire suppression and mitigation, and disaster response and preparation, both in the wake of serious natural disasters and in regular appropriations bills.  Democrats have also voted to protect millions of acres of land and rivers, preserving our natural heritage and fostering climate resilience.
  • Advancing National Security: The House is requiring the Defense Department to account for climate vulnerabilities and has reinforced the military’s goal of achieving 25 percent renewable energy use at military facilities by 2025.
116th Congress