Chair Castor Statement on Trump's Paris Agreement Withdrawal

Nov 4, 2019
Press Release
Castor Blasts Trump's One-Sided Decision to Withdraw the U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement: "We Need Bold Congressional Action"

(November 4, 2019)- On Monday, the Trump Administration officially withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, a decision that makes the U.S. the only member of the United Nations to oppose the landmark effort to combat the climate crisis and cut carbon pollution in nations around the world.

Below is a statement from Rep. Kathy Castor, chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and author of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), which would ensure the U.S. honors the commitments detailed in the Paris Accord:
“The president's decision to pull the United States from the Paris Agreement today is further proof that we need bold congressional action to solve the climate crisis.

“By ignoring the science and the rising costs of the changing climate, Trump takes America backward – and sides again with corporate polluters over young Americans fighting for their futures. As millions face dangerous wildfires, extreme weather events and costly impacts, Trump shrinks from the bold action needed to lead America and the rest of the world in tackling the climate crisis.

“But America doesn't cut and run. Our country has long been a global leader, and it will be no different when it comes to climate action.

“That's why House Democrats are committed to filling the leadership void left by the Trump administration by passing important climate action legislation.
“In fact, it's been over six months since the House of Representatives passed my Climate Action Now Act, which would keep us in the Paris Agreement and make sure our climate policy works for the people. That bill - along with dozens of other important bills to lower prescription drug prices, protect our elections and end gun violence - is still sitting on Senator McConnell's desk.”


116th Congress