Chair Castor Statement on House GOP's Negligent Disregard For Climate In Newly Released Agenda

Sep 15, 2020
Press Release
As Wildfires And Floods Threaten Millions, GOP Leader McCarthy Offers Nothing On Climate If Republicans Regain Majority

WASHINGTON (September 15, 2020) - On Tuesday, Chair Kathy Castor (D-FL) of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released the following statement, after Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy released a policy agenda for House Republicans that makes no mention of the climate crisis:

“The coronavirus pandemic has taught us that we must unite behind the science to protect our public health and our economy. The climate crisis is no different. It is disrupting the lives of millions of Americans right now, and it threatens to bankrupt small businesses and farmers across the nation. As we push forward on economic recovery and set our goals for the next Congress, we simply cannot ignore the escalating costs and impacts of the climate crisis - or the opportunities in clean energy. 

House Republicans remain completely unprepared and unwilling to solve the worsening climate crisis. Even as the West Coast is engulfed in smoke caused by climate-fueled wildfires, and as the Gulf Coast prepares for more historic flooding with Hurricane Sally, House Republicans refuse to even acknowledge the climate crisis in their policy agenda.

A Republican House majority would continue Trump's legacy of ignoring science and endangering public health, all so that polluters can turn a profit at the expense of the American people. House Republicans would follow the lead of a president who has weakened over 100 environmental safeguards, making it easier for polluters to release methane, toxic mercury, and carbon pollution into our environment. And like Trump, they would make it increasingly difficult to protect our public lands, our endangered species, and the only Earth we have. 

Instead of following President Trump's chaotic lead, Republicans across the board should come to the table and help Congress enact climate solutions, which can put Americans back to work in family-sustaining jobs. Instead of siding with Big Oil and other polluters, Republicans should work with us to invest in a stronger, cleaner, more resilient economy that prioritizes the health of American families. 

Since retaking the House majority, Democrats have stood on the side of science, public health, and the American people. We have pushed important climate solutions, providing a historic congressional climate action plan. And we've pushed forward with an economic recovery agenda focused on protecting the health of families and workers. 

As Chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, I call on House Republicans to do better. As we look forward to 2021, we must be focused on paving the way for a clean energy future, one that protects every community, prioritizes public health, and creates millions of jobs along the way.”


  • On Monday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy released a list of policy priorities Republicans would pursue if they were to win back the House majority in the upcoming November election. (Link: Politico)
  • In June, the Select Committee majority released their Climate Crisis Action Plan, which would build the foundation for a resilient, forward-focused clean energy economy. The full staff report is available here.


116th Congress