Chair Castor: 'President Sides With Polluters Again In A Shameful Failure To Protect The Public'

Jul 15, 2020
Press Release
Trump Continues To Endanger Public Health, Silence Voices in Communities of Color, Sock It to the Pocketbooks of American Families

WASHINGTON (July 15, 2020) - Chair Kathy Castor (D-FL) of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released the following statement on Wednesday, amid reports that President Trump would gut the public health protections in the landmark National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in the middle of the coronavirus public health crisis:

“Shame on this president for continuing to turn his back on the health of American families. For decades, the National Environmental Policy Act has given vulnerable communities a means to protect their health and make their voices heard when polluters want to set up shop in their neighborhoods,” said Chair Castor. “The president gives polluters carte blanche to do what they want and he asks families to pay the price. Today’s move especially will sideline communities of color, who have historically carried the burden of environmental injustice, and leave them even more vulnerable to the expensive health risks of pollution, including cancer and respiratory disease.
Today’s announcement also continues the president’s pattern of ignoring science and shunning experts by directing federal agencies to ignore the cumulative pollution impacts on communities, and to plow ahead without even considering climate change. One thing is clear: President Trump could not care less about clean air, clean water, or the climate. In fact, his move today proves that he’s willing to risk the health of our children and the well-being of our communities so polluters can turn a profit.”


  • The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was signed into law on January 1, 1970. NEPA requires federal agencies to assess the environmental effects of their proposed actions prior to making decisions. (link)


116th Congress