Creating a Climate Resilient America: Business Views on the Costs of the Climate Crisis

Thursday, July 25, 2019 - 2:00pm
2261 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Creating a Climate Resilient America: Business Views on the Costs of the Climate Crisis

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis will hold a hearing on “Creating a Climate Resilient America: Business Views on the Costs of the Climate Crisis” on Thursday, July 25 at 2 p.m in Room 2261 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

Read Rep. Kathy Castor's opening statement.

The committee will receive testimony from:

Paula DiPerna, Special Advisor, CDP (@CDP). Through CDP, more than 500 U.S. companies disclose information about their environmental performance. DiPerna previously served as a Vice President for the Chicago Climate Exchange and led the Joyce Foundation. 

Read Paula DiPerna's testimony.
Francis Bouchard (@FrancisDB), Head of Sustainability, Zurich Insurance Group (@Zurich). Zurich is a Swiss insurance company and one of the world’s 100 largest public companies. The insurer has run a global flood resilience program since 2013. Its U.S. offices are in Illinois, Kansas and New York.

Read Francis Bouchard's testimony.

Garvin Jabusch, chief investment officer, Green Alpha Advisors (@AlphaVerde). Green Alpha Advisors is a financial services firm focused on sustainable, fossil-free investment strategies. Prior to Green Alpha Advisors, Jabusch served as Vice President of Strategic Services at Morgan Stanley and other financial institutions. He has expertise in investment research and analysis, trading and macroeconomic analysis.

Read Garvin Jabusch's testimony.

Jay Walker, Executive Vice President of Commercial Lending at South Louisiana Bank, which was founded in 1980 and has seven full-service locations in Louisiana. He is also the president of the Morganza Action Coalition (@Morganza_Levee), which advocates for the authorization and funding of the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection System.

Read Jay Walker's testimony.

116th Congress